Covergroup not sampling

class atu_coverage extends uvm_component;
  d_ip_atu_syn_ral_block  regmodel ; 

//virtual ips_if vif;
//d_ip_atu_syn_ral_block regmodel;

   bit axi_clk;
 bit ipg_clk;
 d_ip_atu_cfg  cfg; 

bit [2:0] cid_arr ;
bit [4:0] did_arr;

bit EN; 

bit [7:0] EVSEL;
bit [15:0] local_min_addr;
bit[15:0] local_max_addr ;

bit[15:0] sys_min_addr;
bit[15:0] sys_max_addr ;

//=================Functional coverage ======================//

covergroup Clock_Connectivity ();


 IPG_CLK: coverpoint  ipg_clk  { 

                                       bins LOW = {100} ;

                                       bins MEDIUM ={200} ;
                                       bins HIGH  = {300}  ; 

AXI_CLK  : coverpoint  axi_clk   {

                                     bins LOW = { 200, 300,400,500} ; 

                                    bins High = {600, 700, 800} ;




covergroup    configuration_coverage ();


  CID : coverpoint  cid_arr  { 
                                    bins LOW = {0}; 

I_CID: coverpoint cid_arr  {
                                    ignore_bins HIGH = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7};

DID :  coverpoint did_arr  {  

                                  bins LOW = {1};


I_DID:  coverpoint did_arr  { 

                                    ignore_bins HIGH = {0 , [2:31]};


// cohort manager {cid ==1  to 7  , did ==1}  

// other master (if did  != 1) 

CID_x_DID : cross CID , DID ;

ICID_x_IDID : cross  I_CID , I_DID; 


covergroup atu_enb_dsb_coverage(); 


ENB_DSB: coverpoint   EN  {                                                   //regmodel.ATU.MSR0.
                                                bins HIGH = {1} ;

                                               bins LOW = {0}; 



covergroup  address_trans_cover();

option.per_instance =1;

EVSEL: coverpoint EVSEL {                                                        //regmodel.ATU.MCR.

                                          bins BYPASS = {0};
                                          bins MISS   = {1};
                                          bins HIT_DES_0 ={2};
                                          bins HIT_DES_1 ={3};
                                          bins HIT_DES_2 ={4};
                                          bins HIT_DES_3 ={5};
                                          bins HIT_DES_4 ={6};
                                          bins HIT_DES_5 ={7};
                                          bins HIT_DES_6 ={8};
                                          bins HIT_DES_7 ={9};
                                          bins HIT_DES_8 ={10};
                                          bins HIT_DES_9 ={11};
                                          bins HIT_DES_10 ={12};

                                          bins HIT_DES_11 = {13};
                                          bins HIT_DES_12   = {14};
                                          bins HIT_DES_13 ={15};
                                          bins HIT_DES_14 ={16};
                                          bins HIT_DES_15 ={17};
                                          bins HIT_DES_16 ={18};
                                          bins HIT_DES_17 ={19};
                                          bins HIT_DES_18 ={20};
                                          bins HIT_DES_19 ={21};
                                          bins HIT_DES_20 ={22};
                                          bins HIT_DES_21 ={23};
                                          bins HIT_DES_22 ={24};
                                          bins HIT_DES_23 ={25};

                                          bins HIT_DES_24 = {26};
                                          bins HIT_DES_25   = {27};
                                          bins HIT_DES_26 ={28};
                                          bins HIT_DES_27 ={29};
                                          bins HIT_DES_28 ={30};
                                          bins HIT_DES_29 ={31};
                                          bins HIT_DES_30 ={32};
                                          bins HIT_DES_31 ={33};
                                          bins HIT_DES_32 ={34};
                                          bins HIT_DES_33 ={35};
                                          bins HIT_DES_34 ={36};
                                          bins HIT_DES_35 ={37};
                                          bins HIT_DES_36 ={38};

                                          bins HIT_DES_37 ={39};

                                          bins HIT_DES_38 = {40};
                                          bins HIT_DES_39   = {41};
                                          bins HIT_DES_40 ={42};
                                          bins HIT_DES_41 ={43};
                                          bins HIT_DES_42 ={44};
                                          bins HIT_DES_43 ={45};
                                          bins HIT_DES_44 ={46};
                                          bins HIT_DES_45 ={47};
                                          bins HIT_DES_46 ={48};
                                          bins HIT_DES_47 ={49};
                                          bins HIT_DES_48 ={50};
                                          bins HIT_DES_49 ={51};
                                          bins HIT_DES_50 ={52};
                                          bins HIT_DES_51 ={53};
                                          bins HIT_DES_52 ={54};
                                          bins HIT_DES_53 ={55};
                                          bins HIT_DES_54 ={56};
                                          bins HIT_DES_55 ={57};
                                          bins HIT_DES_56 ={58};
                                          bins HIT_DES_57 ={59};
                                          bins HIT_DES_58 ={60};
                                          bins HIT_DES_59 ={61};
                                          bins HIT_DES_60 ={62};
                                          bins HIT_DES_61 ={63};
                                          bins HIT_DES_62 ={64};
                                          bins HIT_DES_63 ={65};
                                          bins HIT_DES_64 ={66};


LOCAL_MIN_ADDR : coverpoint  local_min_addr {                         // IF_AW=49 bit parameterized  == cfg.local_min_addr 

                                                 bins LOW  = {[0:64]} ;

                                                 bins MEDIUM = {[65:128]};

                                                 bins HIGH =  {[129:$]}; 


LOCAL_MAX_ADDR : coverpoint  local_max_addr {                         // IF_AW=49 bit parameterized == cfg.local_max_addr 

                                                 bins LOW  = {[0:64]} ;

                                                 bins MEDIUM = {[65:128]};

                                                 bins HIGH =  {[129:$]}; 


SYS_MIN_ADDR: coverpoint  sys_min_addr {                                      // cfg.sys_min_addr

                                             bins LOW  = {[0:64]} ;

                                             bins MEDIUM = {[65:128]};

                                             bins HIGH =  {[129:$]}; 



SYS_MAX_ADDR: coverpoint sys_max_addr {                                         // cfg.sys_max_addr

                                             bins LOW  = {[0:64]} ;

                                             bins MEDIUM = {[65:128]};

                                             bins HIGH =  {[129:$]}; 




function new(string name="", uvm_component parent);, parent);





//=================== write function ====================================//

  function void write_fun();
   // t1= uart_transaction::type_id::create("t1");
   $display("====================VERIFICATIONENGINEER==================================================", $time);




hii guys let me know why these covergroups not sampling , i am not expecting hit of bins just it should genetrate html report , report not generating why because covergroup not sampling , let me know please what is the error .

In reply to raj@123:

The local variables in your coverage component are not connected to anything.
Calling sample does not help.

In reply to chr_sue:

I know i dont want bins hitting and all , just i would like to generate coverage report ,

just sampling i requried leter i will connect my locan variable with dedicated signals

In reply to raj@123:

Did you check the write function is called?

In reply to chr_sue:

how to check , should i call this write_fun in environment class by handle of atu_coverage

In reply to raj@123:

I do not know your UVM architecture. But the coverage data might come from a monitor where you are collecting a transaction and send it to other components like coverage collectos by calling there the write function.

In reply to chr_sue:

inside a environment class i have written a atu_co verage class , and some local varibels , than writen covergroups , coverpoint atc , in new construct created the instances of covergroups , than sample above covergroup in function ( function written in atu_coverage class opnly ) , than in build phase of environment create the atu_coverage , and than call function where covergroups sampling through the handle og atu_coverage class , let me know why covergroups not sampling (means in coverage reports covergroups not showing ) .

not expecting hiting of bins and all … just would like to see covergeroups in HTML coverage report …

In reply to raj@123:

You are defining only the write function. But you have to call it from a component which wants to publish the transaction to your coverage component.

In reply to chr_sue:

i call write_fun by handle of coverage class in main phase of env

In reply to raj@123:
Unfortunately I do not see your archotectute and how you are passing data to your coverage component. Then it is impossible to give you a reasonable advice.
The html-report is not a UVM feature. It is provided by your simulator and it might require specific simulator commands.