Connecting UVM port to a non matching export

I have several monitors in my TB, each send different type of xactions, all xactions extends uvm_sequence_item
in addition there is a watchdog, which should reset the timer upon every xaction.
I wish to define a single export in the watchdog uvm_analysis_export(uvm_sequence_item), and somehow to connect the ports from all the monitors to that export.
Straight forward connect() is not possible, as the type mismatch. But I wonder if there is a way to solve this?

In reply to Guy Levenb:

Ports and exports need to have the same class type in order to connect them. You would need to use a common base class, which could be uvm_sequence_item, but you would not to downcast them before accessing any of its data members.

Otherwise your watchdog component would need an analysis export for each monitor.