In the code below, the compiler complains about a syntax error at the line with uvm_config_db, any hints?

in the code below, the compiler complains about a syntax error at the line with uvm_config_db, any hints??

`timescale 1ns/1ps 
module test ; 
 class config_testt extends uvm_object ; 
  rand int posedge_var = 0 ; 
  function new (string name = "config_test") ;; 
  bit clk = 1'b0 ; 
  config_testt config_test0 ; 
  intf0 intf0_inst (clk) ; 
  adder adder0 (intf0_inst.ins_outs) ; 
  initial begin forever #10 clk = ~clk ; end 
  //register the interface handle in the config db. 
  initial begin 
    config_test0 = new("config_test0");
    //config_test0 = config_test::type_id::create("config_test0", ""); 
    if(!config_test0.randomize) begin 
      `uvm_fatal("(test): config_test0 failed to randomize", "") ;
    uvm_config_db#(virtual config_testt)::set(null,"adder_model_test.env","config",config_test0);
    `uvm_info("value of cfg: ", $sformatf("%0d", config_test0.posedge_var), UVM_LOW); 
    run_test ("adder_model_test") ;


In reply to samerh:


Virtual keyword need not be there when you are setting an object of config class. Virtual keyword is needed when you are trying to set interface. Try removing the keyword “virtual” and compile the source code.

Hope This helps.
Putta Satish