Changing the severity of uvm peek function

Hi ,

I have a lot of backdoor peeks in my tb. When i run the tb with uvm_high, i am seeing a lot of messages from the reg model as below in my log:

VM_INFO /cad/adi/apps/cadence/incisive/linux/14.10-s13/tools/methodology/UVM/CDN
vm_reg.svh(2863) @ 1.880us: reporter [RegModel] Peeked register "dma_ral.STATUS0

This is the line in the reg model which is being displayed:
`uvm_info(“RegModel”, $sformatf(“Poked register "%s": 'h%h”,
get_full_name(), value),UVM_HIGH);

Is there any way to prevent the display of this message, even when uvm_high is the severity set from the command line.

Other messages with uvm_high should be displayed, only this backdoor peek should not come in my log.

In reply to Bibin Paul:

You have several options.
A. You can use the CLI plusargs to elevate the verbosity of this message to UVM_FULL which will be filtered out if your global verbosity if UVM_HIGH

  vsim ... "+uvm_set_verbosity=uvm_test_top.*,RegModel,UVM_FULL,run"

B. You can use the uvm_report_catcher callback class.

class my_rpt_catcher extends uvm_report_catcher;
 `uvm_object_utils (my_rpt_catcher)
 function new (string name="my_rpt_catcher");;
 function action_e catch();
   if(get_severity() == UVM_INFO && get_id()=="RegModel" && get_verbosity() == UVM_HIGH) begin
        //You can also use get_message() to str compare only for "Peek..."
        return CAUGHT;
   return THROW;
function void test::build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
 my_catcher = my_rpt_catcher::type_id::create("my_catcher");
 uvm_report_cb::add(m_env, my_catcher);