Changing initial value of an internal DUT signal from SystemVerilog class

I am trying to change the initial value of an internal DUT counter using a force statement in SV interface that binds to the DUT module containing the signal. My DUT is in VHDL and my testbench is an SV/UVM testbench. I am able to force the signal to desired value at reset, however I cannot release the signal after reset is deasserted. Here’s a simplified example of my code:

================== DUT Code ==================

entity dut is
  port (clk in std_logic;
        rst_n in std_logic);
end dut;
architecture dut_arch of dut is
  signal count : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

  process (clk, rst_n)
    if (rst_n == 0) then
      count <= (others => '0');
    elsif rising_edge(clk) then
      count <= count + 1;
    end if;
  end process
end dut_arch

============== Testbench Code =================

interface dut_if (input rst_n, clk);
  bit       enable;
  bit[31:0] init_count;

  function force_count(bit[31:0] count_value);
    init_count = count_value;
    enable = 1;
  endfunction : force_count

  always @(posedge clk)
    if (enable && !rst_n)
      force dut.count = init_count;
    else if (enable)
      release dut.count;
endinterface : dut_if
module tb_top();
  bit clk, rst_n;  
  bind dut dut_if dut_if_inst;
  virtual dut_if dut_vif;
  dut_vif = dut_inst.dut_if_inst;

  //Clk Gen
  always #10ns clk = ~clk;
  //Gen Reset
    rst_n = 0;
    rst_n = 1;

  // enable count value change
  dut dut_inst(.*);

The only real difference between my actual code and the above code is that I pass interface handle (dut_vif) to UVM tb using config_db. The TB env call the force_count function during end_of_elaboration UVM phase. In the waves, I can see the count value getting forced to 32’hFFFFFF00 during reset. However, the count signal doesn’t get released when reset is deasserted.

In reply to Earthling:

A. The behavior of force and release from verilog to VHDL is not defined. Talk you your vendor to understand simulator how you simulator handles this.
B. Force and Release are “sticky”. You don’t have to ( and probably shouldn’t ) redundantly apply them every cycle. You could, in force_count, do the force, and then fork/join_none a thread that waits for rst_n to be 1, and then releases the signal.