Can_put and try_put


Why can_put function is to be defined whenever I use a try_put function?

In reply to janudeep3:

I do not understand your question. Try using more words.

In reply to dave_59:

Whenever I use a try_put function without any definition of can_put in my code, Iam getting an error like can_put definition not found. If I add can_put definition without any logic inside it in my code, then the error was removed. How exactly this try_put and can_put are related is my question?

In reply to janudeep3:

If you are talking about using the TLM non_blocking_put port, they are always both defined together. You will need to show some code and the actual error

Here is example of component code where I had try_put Implemnetation

class consumer extends uvm_component; 
uvm_nonblocking_put_imp#(instruction,consumer) put_port; 

function new(string name, uvm_component p = null);,p); 
put_port = new("put_port", this); 

function try_put(instruction t); 
$display("consumer receiving =%s",; 

//Mandatory  Implementation
//function can_put();

endclass : consumer

ERROR: Could not find member ‘can_put’ in class ‘consumer’, at “”.

In the above code I commented out the function can_put. If I remove comments, It works fine but If I comment it, It gives the above eeror. I just want to know why we need to write the can_put definition, even a blank definition. Whats the relation between this try_put and can_put?

In reply to janudeep3:

this may help!