Can I Dump perticular protocol singnal using wildcard (*)? How can I Dump input,inout, output signals only?

Hi all,
I have few questions about dumping,

  1. want to dump only input , output and inout signals only how can do it using dumpvars function?
    2)want to dump perticular protocol signals
    Such as $dumpvars(0,top.axi_*);
    I am not able to use wildcard operator getting errors can you have alternate option?

In reply to Prashant Soni:

$dumpvars() is a very crude method to generate waveforms and does not have any advanced features such as selecting only inputs, outputs or using wildcards.

You would be better off utilizing your tool’s waveform logging commands. Refer to your tool documentation or contact your vendor support team for additional assistance.


Ok thank you for your response.
