A Better Way For Accessing And Maintaining Configs At Multi-Level Environment?

Hello All,

Have a scenario where I wanted to create muti-level environment and wanted a cleaner/better way of sharing the configs using the uvm_config_db.

a. Say have a top level environment eatable_env and a top level environment configs say eatable_env_cfg.

b. The top level environment has multiple sub-level environments, say rice_env, fruits_env, etc. and each has their corresponding env configs like rice_env_cfg , fruits_env_cfg etc.

c. The top level eatable_env_cfg has the hooks for the sub level envs.

  class eatable_env_cfg extends uvm_object;
    rice_env_cfg rice_cfg;
    fruits_env_cfg  fruits_cfg; 

d. And at each sub level env configs, have the required configs to control the environment creation, for eg:

 class fruits_env_cfg;
     rand uvm_active_passive_enum fruits_env_is_active = UVM_ACTIVE;
     rand bit enable_fruits_scb;
     rand bit num_fruit_agent;

e. So at the base test we create the top level eatable_env and the required eatable_env_cfg. So at the top level base test if I wanted to configure and access the leaf level variable one way is to hierarchical access them, for eg: to assign the interface.

  for (int i = 0; i < eatable_cfg.fruits_cfg.num_fruit_agent; i++) begin
    if (!uvm_config_db#(virtual eatable_fruit_apple_if)::get(this, "*", "eatable_fruit_apple_vif", eatable_fruit_apple_vif)) `uvm_error ("error...")
    else eatable_cfg.fruits_cfg.apple_ecfg[i].eatable_fruit_apple_vif = eatable_Fruit_apple_vif;

f. So its like hierarchically can access the leaf level variables and do the configs or access for other purpose [eg:eatable_cfg.fruits_cfg.num_fruit_agent].

BUT, is there a better approach to use rather than hierarchically use/access them ? Like creating hooks/variables used in the leaf level at the top level configs and assign them values from the leaf level configs, so that i can do like eatable_cfg.num_fruit_agent ? rather than hierarchically access them ? OR any other better approach ? share your comments please ! Thanks !

In reply to desperadorocks:

Hello Mentors ! Can anyone give some or suggest some gud practices ? @Dave, @Cgales, @TomFitz ? Please let me know the same.

In reply to desperadorocks:

There is no easier way (that I have seen) to automate the environment/agent configurations. The test needs to know how to map the top-level interfaces to the individual agents. If you have multiple interfaces of the same type, you need to use a different string for each one when you store it in the config_db(). The test_top needs to know which interface to get and assign to the appropriate environment/agent config. The easiest way is to use hierarchical accesses to the configuration objects.