Best way to randomize the registers in RAL with constraints

Hi All,

I have some set of registers in RAL model.I want to randomize them with following constraints as follows

For example:
R1 is 16-bit register, which has 5 fields
Bit [15] - a;
Bit [14:13] - b;
Bit [12:10]. - c;
Bit [9] - d;
Bit [8:0]. - e;

R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 are the similar registers with similar fields.

   1) Each value in 'c' field corresponds to 5ps. Total values 'c' can take is [0-7]. Eg, if it is 2, it takes 2*5ps = 10ps
   2) Each Value in 'd' field corresponds to 2ps. Total Values 'd' can take is [0-1]. Eg, if it is 1, it takes 1*2ps = 2ps.
   3) Each value in 'e' field corresponds to 1ps. Total values 'e' can take is [0-511]. Eg, if it is 250, it takes 250*1ps = 250ps.
   4) Summation of c+d+e should not exceed 100ps. Preference should be given for 5ps, next 2ps and next 1ps. Fpr eg: if i want to generate 42ps, we have many ways but mentioning only 2 scenarios
           a) make c =8, d=1, e=0. so we get 8*5ps + 1*2ps = 42ps.
           b) make c=8, d=0, e=2. so we get 8*5ps + 2*1ps = 42ps.
           In the above point a should be given preference instead of point b. 
   5) When a =1 & b= some_value, e field becomes e = e+b; Eg: e=10, b=2, a=1, then e = e+b = 10+2 = 12*1ps= 12ps.
   6) When a =0, e remains same.
   7) The difference between values generated by any two registers should lie between 10ps and 40ps. Eg: R2 generates 100ps and R7 generates 70ps, |R2-R7| = |R7-R2| = |100ps -70ps| = 30ps.
  I have a solution by constraining them using inline constraints while caling R1.randomize(). But it is becoming cumbersome. So Iam looking for an effective solution to randomize all these R1 to R8 registers and not disturbing other registers in my RAL Model.

Looking forward for best solutions.


In reply to Anudeep J:

I’d implement an algorithm to calculate the reg fields with randomized data and afterwards putting these fields to the register and writing it. The problem is this will result always inn the same register content. Dou you need to calculate any combinations or at least a subset of them?

In reply to Anudeep J:
Are R1-R8 multiple instances of the same register declaration? If they are not the same register, there’s no way to efficiently reduce your problem.