Basic principal behind Successful Factory Override

I recently read a paper by Rich Edelman titled “Does the Factory say Override”

I have following Code :: EDA_CODE1

For above code via +define+MACRO the code uses macro `uvm_component_param_utils which doesn’t perform string registration .
No Fatal error is flashed when the override fails !!

Without any define I observe Fatal Error ( advantage of explicit Specialization of uvm_component_registry ) ,
[Q1] why is it so ??

[II] [Q2] Can I say that a short-cut to determine whether an override takes place is that ::
(1) The overridden_type ( extended class ) should be extended from the original type ( base class )
(2) Both the Specialization should be Matching type ( both signed / unsigned , both 2-state / 4-state , both have same range )

Eg  ::   If  the  following  assignment  is  Successful  override  will  ALWAYS  take  effect 

        class C #(BITWIDTH);    //  Base type  /   Original  type 

        class C2 #(UINT32 BITWIDTH) extends C#(BITWIDTH);  //  Extended  type  /   Override type 
        class C3 #( BITWIDTH) extends C#(BITWIDTH);  //  Extended  type  /   Override type 

        module top();

            C #(128) c_signed_int_128;      //  signed - type
           C2 #(128) c_unsigned_int_128;    //  unsigned - type 
           C3 #(128) c3_signed_int_128 ;    //  signed - type

        initial begin
             c_unsigned_int_128 = new();
            c3_unsigned_int_128 = new();

            c_signed_int_128 = c_unsigned_int_128 ;   //  Compilation Error since  not  Matching  types  ( one is signed other is unsigned ) !!

            c_signed_int_128 = c3_signed_int_128 ;   //  Since  Matching  types  override  would  be  honored !!


// [a]  Hence  C #(128)  can't  be  overridden  by  C2 #(128)  
//      since  specialization  isn't  matching !!

// **C #(128)  can  be  overridden  by  C3 #(128)  
//      since  specialization  is  matching !!



Similarly for second code :: EDA_CODE2

[b][Q3] Are the following actual argument to string argument Tname a valid syntax ??** ::

       $sformatf("env#(%0s)" , $typename( T )  )  
       $sformatf("env_with_coverage#(%0s)" , $typename( T ) ) 
       $sformatf("wrapper#(%0s)" , $typename( T )                                                                    

Is there any alternate way to provide a valid string argument to Tname taking into consideration the type Parameter T ?

[Q4] Since ONLY code with +define+M5 has the 2 Parameterization as Matching ,
shouldn’t Code via +define+M5 give a Successful Override ?

In all other cases ( +define+M1 / +define+M2 / +define+M3 / +define+M4 ) I should expect a Fatal error , right ?