AXI Stream Master VIP stimulus generation issue with QVIP configurator


I’m trying to generate AXI4_STREAM_MASTER_VIP from QuestaVIP Configurator with the below configurations;
localparam int AXI4_ID_WIDTH = 8;
localparam int AXI4_USER_WIDTH = 16;
localparam int AXI4_DEST_WIDTH = 4;
localparam int AXI4_DATA_WIDTH = 128;

After generation of testbench; when i’m trying to run default test case from uvm_tb directory, I don’t see any data driving on the interface.
There are many DPI-C functions inn the interface.

Please help to know the flow of initializing stimulus over the AXI4 Stream Master interface.


In reply to mahesh_424:

This forum is not for tool related issues. Please refer to the tool documentation or contact your vendor support team for additional assistance.