Async Fifo

Is it possible to get FIFO full condition in asynchronous FIFO if I am not enabling the write_en signal? In my RTL code write pointer and read pointer are internal signals and for the wrap-around condition for comparing FIFO full & FIFO empty we have internal signals.

I have made one interface & 2 agents one for reading & one for writing. I am running the read_test only where write_en == 0.

Is It necessary to write first into FIFO then read?

In reply to yask_kush:

If you do not enable the write nothing will be written. What will you read if you did not write anything to the fifo?

Is it possible to get async fifo full condition if I am not writing any thing

In reply to yask_kush:

Looks like you got a nice interview question.
Ofcourse you can force the fifo full flag without writing anything to the fifo