Associative array in functional coverage

How to write bins in covergrounp and how to sample those bins for associative array .

In reply to thallam chandrakanth:

System Verilog does not allow direct functional coverage of any kind of array—only integral values.

Usually you can create an array of covergroups corresponding to each element of the array you want to cover. But with an associative array, you need to explain more what you are looking to cover in the key indexes to the array.

In reply to dave_59:

Hi @Dive,

In case there is an array like “bit [9:0] test_enable_values[string]”, How index can be covered?


In reply to m.assal:

There are an infinite number of possible strings. You need to explain what it would take to get 100% coverage.

In reply to m.assal:

In reply to dave_59:
In case there is an array like “bit [9:0] test_enable_values[string]”, How index can be covered?

Could you please explain what kind of functional coverage you want to measure?
Mayybe you are hunting into a wrong direction.