Analysis port

when ONE particular uvm_analysis_imp is connected to multiple uvm_analysis_port then how to know from which port uvm_analysis_imp got item?

Assuming the analysis_port / analysis_imp is parameterized with class Txn .

You can add another property ( eg : string name ) in the class Txn .

So before you call

 my_analysis_port.write ( txn_handle ) ; 

You could do :: = my_analysis_port.get_name() ; 
// The name() arg. during instantiation of analysis_port is assigned to LHS 

In the write() method of the class which has analysis_imp you can check the name property .

Based on the name arg. ( assuming they are unique ) you can know which analysis_port called it .

NOTE :: There’s a chance you would have the name() args same .
In this case :: = my_analysis_port.get_full_name() ; 
// This would guarantee a Unique String assigned to LHS ALWAYS !!  .
// get_full_name() could be a long string based on hierarchy !!