Agent code error

The link contains a code I started to write for a sequence detector, but I’m not able to figure out how to deal with the errors.

Thank You

In reply to Lucifer_morn:

The problem was happened because the file “” was compiled multiple times.
To avoid it, please use as following macro:

`ifndef _SEQ_AGENT__SV_
`define _SEQ_AGENT__SV_

class seq_agent extends uvm_agent;

In reply to chris90:

That is not the correct way to prevent this error. The correct way is to use SV Packages.

package agent_pkg;
  import uvm_pkg::*;
  `include "uvm_macros.svh"
  `include ""
  `include ""
  `include ""
  `include ""

Then you should import agent_pkg where required.

See this article for more information.

In reply to Lucifer_morn:

Update your package with the files mentioned
package seq_pkg;
import uvm_pkg::*;
include "uvm_macros.svh" include “”
include "" include “”
include "" include “”
include "" include “”
`include “”

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