Adjusting message format based on verbosity level

I’ve created my own subclass based on uvm_report_server and am trying to change the message format based on verbosity level. Specifically, I want to print file and object information only for UVM_FATAL or UVM_DEBUG. I heard about get_report_verbosity_level but couldn’t find any examples of how to use it, so I tried the following but it does not print out the extra information when I set +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_DEBUG. If I take out the conditionals so that baseline and verbose_id are always set, the extra info prints out fine. What am I doing wrong?

class new_report_server extends uvm_report_server;
   static string filename_cache [string];

   function string compose_message( uvm_severity severity,
                                    string       name,
                                    string       id,
                                    string       message,
                                    string       filename,
                                    int          line );
      string basefile;
      string verbose_id;
      string severity_name;

      uvm_severity_type severity_type = uvm_severity_type'(severity);

      // Attempt to retrieve verbosity level
      uvm_report_object dummy_report = new("");
      int verbosity_level = dummy_report.get_report_verbosity_level(severity, id); 

      // Print the severity for any level above UVM_INFO
      if (severity_type > UVM_INFO) begin
         severity_name =;
         severity_name = {" ",severity_name.substr(4,severity_name.len()-1),":"};

      if ((severity_type >= UVM_FATAL) || (verbosity_level >= UVM_DEBUG)) begin
         if (filename_cache.exists(filename)) basefile = filename_cache[filename];
         else begin
            int i;

            basefile = filename;
            // Remove any trailing slashes
            i = basefile.len() - 1;
            while (i >= 0 && basefile.substr(i,i) == "/")
               basefile = basefile.substr(0, --i);

            // Remove middle slashes
            for (i = basefile.len() - 1; i >= 0; i--) begin
               if (basefile.substr(i,i) == "/") begin
                  basefile = basefile.substr(i+1,basefile.len()-1);

            filename_cache[filename] = basefile;

      if (basefile != "")
         $swrite(verbose_id, " [%0s(%0d): %0s(%0s)]", basefile, line, name, id);

      return $psprintf( "[%12t] :%0s%0s %0s",
                        $time, severity_name, verbose_id, message );