Access problem

Hi All,
In my uvm tb, I have a class A. And I want to call class B’s function in my class A.
I used uvm_test_top.env.xxxx.b.funct() in my class A. But there is a compile error.
How to fix it?
Thank you!

In reply to peter:

What is the compiler error that you want us to fix?

In reply to dave_59:

Hi Dave,
Here is the error message
Cross-module reference resolution error
Error found while trying to resolve cross module reference

In reply to peter:

That is not detailed enough. You need to find a way to show the relevant code, it’s context, and exact error message. Obscuring proprietary names is trivial.

In reply to dave_59:

Uvm_test_top can be called in any class in tb? Thanks

In reply to peter:

Perhaps this is your problem.