In reply to ajeetha:
I have declared f as int.
I have tried using $ferror and $fdisplay. These work perfectly fine - File gets appended with custom ($fdisplay) messages.(While doing so I comment set_report_severity_file(OVM_ERROR, f) and set_report_severity_action(OVM_ERROR, OVM_DISPLAY + OVM_LOG + OVM_COUNT))
Issue appears only when I use set_report_severity_file and set_report_severity_action. As far as know I am passing required argument to them.
I am using ovm_report_error(“error_id”, “error_msg”) command to raise errors.
Note : As mentioned before, code works when I use $fopen(“filename”); But for every test case file gets overwritten. When I use append mode, I throws errors.
Does that mean, set_report_severity_file and set_report_severity_action do not support append mode?
I believe ovm_report_error is causing this error PROVIDED I have opened file in append mode.