Well, there is a way, if you want to dig a little deeper into the reporting system.
The ovm_report_* functions delegate to a function called report() in the report handler. The severity level is an argument to report(). So, you could write your own delegation function where severity is a variable and change the value of that variable depending on your application.
For example
class my_report_component extends ovm_component;
function new(string name, ovm_component parent);
super.new(name, parent);
virtual function void report(ovm_severity severity, string id, string msg,
int verbosity=OVM_MEDIUM,
string filename="", int lineno=0);
m_rh.report(severity, get_full_name(), id, msg, verbosity,
filename, lineno, this);
Now when you derive your components from my_report_component you can call report() and pass in the severity level as an argument. I’ve shown a default value for the verbosity argument, when you call report() you may want to supply an explicit verbosity argument that is consistent with the severity level argument.
– Mark