What is the syntax to instantiate an IP using interfaces and structs

Hi folks!

I have an issue to import an IP that contains interfaces and structs. The used RTL files are shown as follows:

  • interface.sv

interface my_itf
  input clk
  logic [7:0] addr;
  logic [7:0] data;
  modport master(
      input  clk
    , output addr
    , output data
  modport slave(
      input  clk
    , input  addr
    , input  data

  • config.sv

package config;
  typedef struct packed {
    logic [3:0]  header;
    logic [63:0] payload;
  } pkg_t;

  • my_module.sv

module my_module
import config::*;
    input logic     rst
  , input logic     clk
  , input pkg_t     pkg [4]
  , my_itf.master   my_itf_if

  • top.sv

module top
import config::*;

// Instantiation
    .rst        (rst       )
  , .clk        (clk       )
  , .pkg        (pkg_i     )
  , .my_itf_if  (my_itf_if )

So, when I synthesized all files together using “add_files” in Vivado it works like a charm. However, when I created an IP for my_module and added it to my project the synthesis fails, not recognizing the port connections ([Synth 8-11365] for the instance ‘my_module’ of module ‘my_module’ declared at ‘’, named port connection ‘pkg’ does not exist [“top_path”:320])

The workaround was manually changed each port for an array or matrix declaration, such as:

module my_module
import config::*;
    input logic        rst
  , input logic        clk
  , input logic [3:0]  pkg_header [4]
  , input logic [63:0] pkg_payload [4]

However, I posted only a simple example. In the real project this workaround is not feasible. So, what is the syntax to instantiate an generated IP with interface and struct in SystemVerilog? Thanks a lot!!!