What is new(this) in SystemVerilog?

Here is a code piece

class APB_Component extends Component;

  APB_Stim    stim_gen;
  APB_Driver  driver;
  APB_Channel chan;
  function new(string _name, Component _parent, virtual APB_test_intf _hook);
    super.new( _name, _parent );
    chan = new(1);
    stim_gen = new("stim_gen", this);
    driver = new("driver", this, _hook);
    stim_gen.sink = chan;
    driver.source = chan;
  endfunction : new


In this code, a constructor of a class is implemented. Three parameters are passed to this function. one string, and one class namely Component and one interface APB_test_intf.

On the line: stim_gen = new(“stim_gen”, this);

What does that “this” keyword signifies here? Does this mean passing stim_gen as argument to itself?
It’s very confusing…

In reply to tahirsengine:

Here is a code piece

class APB_Component extends Component;
APB_Stim    stim_gen;
APB_Driver  driver;
APB_Channel chan;
function new(string _name, Component _parent, virtual APB_test_intf _hook);
super.new( _name, _parent );
chan = new(1);
stim_gen = new("stim_gen", this);
driver = new("driver", this, _hook);
stim_gen.sink = chan;
driver.source = chan;
endfunction : new

In this code, a constructor of a class is implemented. Three parameters are passed to this function. one string, and one class namely Component and one interface APB_test_intf.
On the line: stim_gen = new(“stim_gen”, this);
What does that “this” keyword signifies here? Does this mean passing stim_gen as argument to itself?
It’s very confusing…

I kind a got the idea now.
In original class APB_Stim, there was a class passed as a second argument on this place. So in the constructor of APB_Stim class, keyword “this” signifies that class, which originally is passed in the definition of constructor or new() function.
It’s kind of like self talking but, this will help many.