Unable to capture correct axi_awvalid value on the posedge axi_clk

In the following code if axi_awvalid=1 at ‘n’ cycle and axi_awvalid=0 at ‘n+1’ cycle, getting “CAPTURED” at n+1 cycle, means valid has not captured on the exact clock edge.
@(posedge clk) begin
`uvm_info(“MON”,“CAPTURED”, UVM_NONE);

In the following code if axi_awvalid=1 at ‘n’ cycle and axi_awvalid=0 at ‘n+1’ cycle, getting “CAPTURED” on both ‘n’ and ‘n+1’ cycles. means valid has captured on the both raise and fall of valid.
@(posedge clk && axi_awvalid) begin
`uvm_info(“MON”,“CAPTURED”, UVM_NONE);

  1. Is there a way to capture axi_awvalid=1 at ‘n’ cycle ?
  2. If axi_awvalid=1 for back-to-back 3 cycles, how to capture them without delay?

In reply to smasalthi:
If you need to test axi_awvalid at every cycle n, and then test axi_valid at every n+1 cycle, then you can do something like something below:

always @(posedge ck) begin
    fork t_axi(); 

task automatic t_axi();
    if(axi_awvalid) begin : n_awi
      `uvm_info("MON","axi_awvalid at cycle n ", UVM_NONE);
        @(posedge clk) if(axi_valid) begin : nPlus1
            `uvm_info("MON","CAPTURED", UVM_NONE); 
            // axi_awvalid=1 at 'n' cycle and axi_valid=1 at 'n+1' cycle,
            // Other statements 
        end : nPlus1
    end : n_awi
    else  `uvm_info("MON","NO axi_awvalid at cycle n ", UVM_NONE);

Ben Cohen
http://www.systemverilog.us/ ben@systemverilog.us
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** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

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