Two assertions launched at different events finishing at the same event, how to make sure that they finish at the pulse of individual signals?


I have below assertion:

// Assertion 3: There should be a pulse of match_dv for each sot
property MatchDvPulseAfterSot;
  @(posedge clock) disable iff(!reset || DisableMatchDvPulseAfterSot_Flag)
  // When we get a valid sot
  $rose(sot & valid & ready) |->
    // Within 1 to 100 cycles we should see match_dv pulse
    ##[1:100] ($rose(MatchDv) ##1 !MatchDv);
endproperty : MatchDvPulseAfterSot
assert property (MatchDvPulseAfterSot);

Problem I am facing is that the assertion launches on two separate sot posedges (a , b), but both finish at the same event (c) instead of older one finishing on the current event and the next one should finish at the next event, so at the end of test i have one less pulse and the assertion fails.

packet sizes can be low or high and the range has to be 1-100 and if there are two small packets back to back there is a chance that two dv come together. maybe i am going about this in a wrong direction, please help me fix this assertion.

the wave looks like this:


In reply to verif_newbie:

I could find this way to get past the issue, if there is some other smarter way to achieve the same, then please help.

  // Assertion 3: There should be a pulse of match_dv for each sot
  int req_num, gra_num;
  // Prep for assertion
  always @(posedge clock) begin
    if (!reset) begin
      req_num = 0;
      gra_num = 0;
    end else begin
      if (sot & valid & ready) begin
      if (MatchDv) begin
  property MatchDvPulseAfterSot;
    int curr_num;
    @(posedge clock) disable iff(!reset || DisableMatchDvAfterSot_Flag)
      // When we get a valid sot
      ($rose(sot & valid & ready), curr_num = req_num) |->
        // Within 1 to 100 cycles we should see match_dv pulse
        ##[1:100] ($rose(MatchDv) && (gra_num == curr_num)) ##1 !MatchDv;
  endproperty : MatchDvPulseAfterSot

  assert property (MatchDvPulseAfterSot)

In reply to verif_newbie:

Similar concept at Need help to write an assertion | Verification Academy
Ben Cohen
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