Triggering assertions from always block and passing arguments

Hi All,

I have a situation, since the actual code is lot complex I am representing the problem as a high level model.
This is the pseudocode of what my problem is:

property p(a,b,c,d); //I want this property to be concurrent and on clk since I am using throughout operator 
       @(posedge clk) disable iff (!resetn) 
         a ##0 b |=> not(c throughout d[->1]);

always @ (posedge clk) begin
 .//here we decide which signals from the bus should be send as a,b,c and d for checking in the assertion 
 assert property(p(a,b,c,d)); //I want this current run of the assertion to stop and die as soon as d triggers (since this is in always block on a clk)                             

How can we implement a solution for the above problem.
Thanks for the help in advance.

In reply to curious_learner:

Have you looked at the use of “accept_on, reject_on”?

In reply to

Hi Ben,

Thanks for inputs. I have looked that up, with accept_on/reject_on we can manipulate the assertion result. That should do.

Lets say for a moment, the off/on (accept/reject) behavior is a dont care.
In that case we just simply assert a concurrent property (it has to be made concurrent because we want it to consume time since we used throughout)inside a clocked always block.

My goal is to rewrite that concurrent assertion with an equivalent task (as tasks can also consume time).Any suggestions on how to do this would be great.

Thanks for the help in advance.

In reply to curious_learner:

On your last question on task, I explained all of that in great details in my “must read” paper:

You’ll also get a better understanding of how sva works conceptually.

Ben Cohen
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** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

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