Throughout operator

could you please clarify how to check whether a signal “a” is zero through out reset .could you please clarify which one of the following is true
example 1

a==0 throughout reset==0;

example 2

a==0 throughout reset==0[*1:$];

In reply to srbeeram:

1800'17: F. Other derived operators
( b throughout R ) is_same_as  (( b [*0:$]) intersect R )

// A BAD property 
!a throughout reset==0[*1:$]);  
// Above is same as 
!a throughout reset==0[*1]  or  // This alone satisfies the property 
              reset==0[*2]  or 

// You need as a consequent the following
        !a throughout reset==1[->1]); 
// or the following   
       !a[*0:$] intersect  reset==1[->1]); 

// HOWEVER, you need an antecedent or an initial if reset==0 from the start 
// For example: 
initial if(reset==0) 
      ap_a_reset_OK: assert property(@ (posedge clk) 
       !a throughout reset==1[->1]); 
    initial if(reset==0) 
      ap_a_reset_OK2: assert property(@ (posedge clk) 
       !a[*0:$] intersect  reset==1[->1]); 
// You could also use $fell(reset) as antecedent if there is a fell

Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact Home - My cvcblr

  1. SVA Alternative for Complex Assertions
    Verification Horizons - March 2018 Issue | Verification Academy
  2. SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats | Verification Academy
  3. SVA in a UVM Class-based Environment
    SVA in a UVM Class-based Environment | Verification Horizons | Verification Academy

In reply to

thanks ben for the reply

the following checks !a when reset=1 also. but I have to check !a until reset==0 . could you please clarify how to do it

// You need as a consequent the following
        !a throughout reset==1[->1]); 
// or the following   
       !a[*0:$] intersect  reset==1[->1]); 

In reply to srbeeram:

My code is correct. Instead of feeding you the answer, as a teacher, I would rather that you
study the goto [->n] repetition (nonconsecutive exact repetition); it’s in 1800

As a homework for you, please tell me what is the equivalent of b[->1]. You owe that much since I gave you the correct answer.

A note in the case you want to check that property more than once

  logic reset=1'b1; 
 ap_a_reset_OK3: assert property(@ (posedge clk) 
      $fell(reset) |->  !a[*0:$] intersect  reset==1[->1]); 
// alternative
  ap_a_reset_OK3: assert property(@ (posedge clk) 
     $fell(reset) |-> !a throughout reset==1[->1]); 

Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact Home - My cvcblr

  1. SVA Alternative for Complex Assertions
    Verification Horizons - March 2018 Issue | Verification Academy
  2. SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats | Verification Academy
  3. SVA in a UVM Class-based Environment
    SVA in a UVM Class-based Environment | Verification Horizons | Verification Academy