[SystemVerilog] how to convert/cast an enum type to string?

Hi All,

Is there a way to cast/convert an enum type to a string?

My function receives a value of enum type. I want to $display the received value. How can I do so?

Will the following work (val_enum is a variable of enum type)?
$display(“Value: $0s”,val_enum);

Thank you!

In reply to dmitryl:

You can use “.name” method of enum to display the string value of enum.

function dispaly(my_enum_t my_enum);
  $display("Value: $0s",my_enum.name);

In reply to sharvil111:

Thanks! Where can I see what methods/properties are applicable to the enum types? I believe .name is one of them…

In reply to dmitryl:

In reply to sharvil111:
Thanks! Where can I see what methods/properties are applicable to the enum types? I believe .name is one of them…

In the IEEE Std 1800-2012 the SV LRM section 6.19.5 Enumerated type methods you can see the applicable methods.

