SVA: throughout corner case | sig1 must be stable throughout sig2


I want to write an assertion that says ‘sig1 must be stable when sig2 is asserted’.

Here is my solution:

property sig1_stable_throughout_sig2 (logic sig1, sig2);
     $rose(sig2) |=> $stable(sig1) throughout !sig2[->1];
endproperty //sig1_stable_throughout_sig2

This assertion works very well, except for the case when sig1 exactly follows sig2 and deasserts in the same clock cycle as sig2.

My understanding is that the assertion requires that sig1 be stable even at the clock which deasserts sig1 (i.e at the negedge of sig1).

Is there a way to make the assertion run until one clock before sig2 deasserts? Or, any other way I could take care of this failure?


property sig1_stable_throughout_sig2 (logic sig1, sig2);
     disable iff (!sig2)
     $rose(sig2) |=> $stable(sig1) throughout !sig2[->1];
endproperty //sig1_stable_throughout_sig2

Disabling the assertion when sig2 goes down seems to do the trick. Is this approach correct?


In reply to Ankit Bhange:

Disabling the assertion when sig2 goes down seems to do the trick. Is this approach correct?


// The throughout operator specifies that a signal (expression) must hold throughout a sequence.
 ( b throughout R )[/b] is equivalent to [b]( b [*0:$] intersect R ) 
// Use the 
sequenc1 interesect sequence2 // and sequence1 is 
 ($stable(sig1)[*1:$] ##1 !sig2) // Thus, if sig2==0 after 4 cycles, 
//                          the consequent thread that will match will be 
 ($stable(sig1)[*3] ##1 !sig2 // sig2==0 at cycle 4 

property sig1_stable_throughout_sig2 (logic sig1, sig2);
     $rose(sig2) |-> ##1 ($stable(sig1)[*1:$] ##1 !sig2) intersect !sig2[->1];
// As mentioned in a previous post, I prefer to use |-> ##1 instead |=> 
// See my next post 

Ben Cohen
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Another option is to use the until
An until property of the non-overlapping form (i.e., until, s_until) evaluates to true if property_expr1 evaluates to true at every clock tick beginning with the starting clock tick of the evaluation attempt and continuing until at least one tick before a clock tick where property_expr2 (called the terminating property) evaluates to true.

property_expr1 until property_expr2
property sig1_stable_throughout_sig2 (logic sig1, sig2);
     $rose(sig2) |=> $stable(sig1) until !sig2; // Need the |=> because the until is a property
// same as 
$rose(sig2) |=> $stable(sig1)[*0:$] ##1 !sig2; // also OK. 

Thanks, Ben. The assertion seems to be working now.

In reply to Ankit Bhange:
Consider the following model where all 3 assertions are different. The annotated assertion thread viewer address cases that demonstrate why they are different. It is always preferable to test the assertions in a small model using constrained-random tests.

module top;
  timeunit 1ns;  timeprecision 100ps;    
  `include "uvm_macros.svh"
  import uvm_pkg::*;
  bit clk, sig1, sig2;
  initial forever #10 clk = !clk; 
  ap_sig1_stable_throughout_sig2 : assert property(@(posedge clk)  
     $rose(sig2) |=> ($stable(sig1)[*1:$] ##1 !sig2) intersect !sig2[->1]);    

  ap_until_sig1_stable_throughout_sig2: assert property(@(posedge clk)       
     $rose(sig2) |=> $stable(sig1) until !sig2); // Need the |=> because the until is a property 

  ap_sig1_stable_throughout_sig2_B : assert property(@(posedge clk) 
    $rose(sig2) |=>  $stable(sig1) throughout (sig2[*1:$] ##1 $fell(sig2)) ); 

  initial begin
    repeat (200) begin
      @(posedge clk);
      if (!randomize(sig1, sig2) with {
        sig1 dist {1'b1 := 10, 1'b0 := 1};
        sig2 dist {1'b1 := 6,  1'b0 := 1};
        `uvm_error("MYERR", "This is a randomize error");

ap_sig1_stable_throughout_sig2 : assert property(@(posedge clk)
$rose(sig2) |=> (stable(sig1)[*1:] ##1 !sig2) intersect !sig2[->1]);

ap_until_sig1_stable_throughout_sig2: assert property(@(posedge clk)
$rose(sig2) |=> $stable(sig1) until !sig2);

ap_sig1_stable_throughout_sig2_B : assert property(@(posedge clk)
$rose(sig2) |=> stable(sig1) throughout (sig2[*1:] ##1 $fell(sig2)) );

Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

  1. SVA Package: Dynamic and range delays and repeats SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats - SystemVerilog - Verification Academy
  2. Free books: Component Design by Example
    Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL($3)
  3. Papers:

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Oops on comment for the last assertion
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We usually use $stable(signa_name) to see a signal must be stable in from previous clk cycle. How to check that a signal must be stable within clk cycle

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Thank you for the thorough explanation, Ben. It seems like

ap_until_sig1_stable_throughout_sig2: assert property(@(posedge clk)       
     $rose(sig2) |=> $stable(sig1) until !sig2); // Need the |=> because the until is a property

is what meets my requirements. However, for some reason I am getting a syntax error when trying to use the ‘until’ property. I think it is a tool issue.
Could you share any alternatives for until?


In reply to Ankit Bhange:
An until property of the non-overlapping form (i.e., until, s_until) evaluates to true if property_expr1 evaluates to true at every clock tick beginning with the starting clock tick of the evaluation attempt and continuing until at least one tick before a clock tick where property_expr2 (called the terminating property) evaluates to true. The until, s_until operators have an implicit repetition until the terminating condition (i.e., property_expr2) occurs. Specifically, with a strong until (e.g., s_until), if the simulation completes but the terminating condition is pending, the assertion fails, unlike the weak until where the assertion is evaluated as vacuously true.

$rose(req) |=> busy until ready); // Enhanced readability, and Identical to
// $rose(req) |=> busy[*0:$] ##1 ready ; // equivalent property expression
// Thus, 
ap_until_sig1_stable_throughout_sig2: assert property(@(posedge clk)       
     $rose(sig2) |=> $stable(sig1) until !sig2); 
// can be written as 
ap_until_sig1_stable_throughout_sig2: assert property(@(posedge clk)       
     $rose(sig2) |=> $stable(sig1)[*0:$] ##1 !sig2); 
// When sig2==0, sig1 need not be stable