SVA difference between 2 properties

Hi Forum, what is difference bwt below two properties, I see the results are same.  
 module test;
  bit a, b, en, clk;
  initial begin
   forever #5 clk = ~clk;

  assert property ( @(posedge clk) en |-> a  within (b [->1]));              //line 10
  //assert property ( @(posedge clk) en |-> (a [->1]) within (b [->1]));     //line 11 
  initial begin
    en = '1;
    b = '1;
    a  = '1;
    a = '0;
    a = '1;
    a = '0;
    b = '0;
  initial begin
   #100; $finish(2);

// result are same for 2 property
//“”, 7: test.unnamed$$_1: started at 15ns failed at 15ns
// Offending ‘b’
//“”, 7: test.unnamed$$_1: started at 45ns failed at 45ns
// Offending ‘b’

In reply to VE:
From my SVA Book
2.4.5 Sequence containment (within)
The sequence containment within specifies a sequence occurring within another sequence. A
visualization of a sequence containment composition is shown in Figure 2.4.5 wherein seq1 is
contained within seq2.


Note: (seq1 within seq2) is equivalent to: ((1[*0:$] ##1 seq1 ##1 1[*0:$]) intersect seq2 )

Ben Cohen
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In reply to

Thanks Ben.
I think I am still not sure why the property

XYZ: assert property ( @(posedge clk) en |-> (a [->1]) within (b [->1]));

failed at 45ns.

Based on your comments and the message from the simulator, I guess the evaluation started at 45ns, and at 45ns, en is true, b is true but a is not, so the assertion failed. If that is case, does it mean below are same ?

XYZ: assert property ( @(posedge clk) en |-> (a [->1]) within (b [->1]));
    ABC: assert property ( @(posedge clk) en |->  a within (b [->1]));

or maybe the assertion XYZ does not really make sense?


In reply to VE:

Please see my 2 replies in
You incorrectly applied the types of assignments blocling vs nonblocking.
Also see the links in that reply.
Instead of directed tests, consider constrained-random tests, like

initial begin 
         repeat(200) begin 
             @(posedge clk);   
             if (!randomize(a, b)  with 
             { a dist {1'b1:=1, 1'b0:=1};
               b dist {1'b1:=1, 1'b0:=2};  
         }) `uvm_error("MYERR", "This is a randomize error");

Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact Home - My cvcblr

** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

  1. SVA Package: Dynamic and range delays and repeats SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats | Verification Academy
  2. Free books: Component Design by Example FREE BOOK: Component Design by Example … A Step-by-Step Process Using VHDL with UART as Vehicle | Verification Academy
    Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL($3)
  3. Papers: