SVA: condition met between two disabled sections not showing pass/finish


I was using below assertion to check a signal being high and staying high for rest of active region of check.

property Test1;
@(posedge TB.clk)
disable iff (start || end)
TB.a |=> always(a);

TEST1: assert property(Test1);

The start and end are starting and ending sections of simulation.
And, the signal TB.a is high between start and end with TB.clk pulsing.

But, assertion summary doesn’t show pass or fail.

Should I be using strong check?

strong(always(a)) or always(strong(a))

Thanks in advance.

In reply to Adarsh Santhosh:
Requirements The start and end are starting and ending sections of simulation.
And, the signal TB.a is high between start and end with TB.clk pulsing.
There are better ways to express your requirements.

module m; 
    bit clk, start, done, a;   
    // The start and done are starting and ending sections of simulation.
    // And, the signal TB.a is high between start and done with TB.clk pulsing.
    //    * ap_preferred has ONE attempt 
    //    * Upon a start, "a" remains hi until done 
    initial ap_preferred: assert property(@(posedge clk)
        start[->1] |=> strong(a[*1:$] intersect done[->1] )); 
    // Also OK 
    initial ap_preferred_OK: assert property(@(posedge clk)
        start[->1] |=> a s_until done); 
    // ALso OK 
    initial ap_preferred_with_OK: assert property(@(posedge clk)
        start[->1] |=> a s_until_with done); 

    // 2) Assertion with unnecssary multiple threads and 
    //    issues with the disable
   property Test1;
     @(posedge clk) disable iff (start || done)
        a |=> always(a);
   ap_TEST1: assert property(Test1);
   // ap_TEST1 is disable when start and done occurs
   // ap_TEST1 has an attempt at every clocking event. 
   //    If a==1, then a new thread is started, and every started thread 
   //    checks that a==1 at every clock.  Thus, if you have 100 clocks 
   //    you end up with 100 separate threads, and each threads checks that 
   //    taht a==1.  Consider the checks
   // cycle    1 2 3 4 5 .... 100
   // Thread1  a a a a a .... a 
   // thread2    a a a a .....a
   // thread3      a a a .....a
   // thread 100              a

   // If you insist on using the always 
   // Syntax 
   // $past ( expression1 [, [number_of_ticks] [, [expression2] [, [clocking_event]]] ] )  
   property Test_better;
     @(posedge clk) disable iff ($past(done, 1, 1, @(posedge clk)))
        start[->1] |=> always(a);
   initial ap_TEST_better:  assert property(Test_better);
   initial forever #10 clk=!clk;   
   initial begin 
    repeat(10)  @(posedge clk);      
Ben Cohen
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448
1) SVA Package: Dynamic and range delays and repeats
2) Free books: * Component Design by Example
* Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL($3)
* A Pragmatic Approach to VMM Adoption
3) Papers:
- Understanding the SVA Engine,
- Reflections on Users’ Experiences with SVA
- SVA Alternative for Complex Assertions
- SVA in a UVM Class-based Environment
- SVA for statistical analysis of a weighted work-conserving prioritized round-robin arbiter.

Udemy courses by Srinivasan Venkataramanan (

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Sorry for late reply. thanks for the suggestions.
I will try and let you know.

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thanks, Ben for the detailed explanation. It works.

One more doubt.

Lets say during the “end/done” section, signal “a” is “0” and i wanted to check if it says low for rest of the sim.

Would below work or do u suspect any issues?

initial ap_preferred: assert property(@(posedge clk)
done[->1] |=> strong(!a[*1:$]));


In reply to Adarsh Santhosh:

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Lets say during the “end/done” section, signal “a” is “0” and i wanted to check if it says low for rest of the sim.

Looks OK

// Assertion states that in the cyce following done, and thereafter the done, a==0 until end of sim
// CORRECTION ********
initial ap_preferred: assert property(@(posedge clk)
  done[->1] |=> strong(!a[*1:$]));  // THIS IS INCORRECT because
      // after the 1st !a the consequent completes. 
// What you need 
initial ap_preferred: assert property(@(posedge clk)
  done[->1] |=> s_always (!a) );

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In reply to Adarsh Santhosh:
Looks OK

// Assertion states that in the cyce following done, and thereafter the done, a==0 until end of sim
initial ap_preferred: assert property(@(posedge clk)
done[->1] |=> strong(!a[*1:$]));

I had some follow up questions.

What if there can be a delay in “a” going low after done.
a can be “0” in next cycle or any of the upcoming cycles.
Will below work?

// Assertion states that in any of the cycles following done : "a" is low, and thereafter, a==0 until end of sim
initial ap_preferred: assert property(@(posedge clk)
  done[->1] |=> strong( !a[->1] ##1 !a[*0:$]));


In reply to Adarsh Santhosh:

I made the following correction above, my apologies

// Assertion states that in the cycle following done, and thereafter the done, a==0 until end of sim
// **** CORRECTION ****
initial BAD_ap: assert property(@(posedge clk)
  done[->1] |=> strong(!a[*1:$]));  // THIS IS INCORRECT because
      // after the 1st !a the consequent completes. 
// **** OK **** What you need 
initial ap_preferred: assert property(@(posedge clk)
  done[->1] |=> always (!a) );

// ON your other question 
done[->1] |=> strong( !a[->1] ##1 !a[*0:$]));
// DO THIS instead 

// At initialization, when done then starting from the next cycle 
// wait for an occurrence of "a".  
// In the cycle following the "a", that variable is always ZERO. 
// SYntax: 
property_expr ::= 
  ... // several options, see 1800
  | sequence_expr #-# property_expr  // the followed-by operator.
  | sequence_expr #=# property_expr 
// property that follows a sequence by zero ( the #-#) or one cycle (the #=#) delay, 
// starting from the end point of the sequence
  | always property_expr  
  | always [ cycle_delay_const_range_expression ] property_expr  
  | s_always [ constant_range] property_expr 
//  Thus, the s_always require a range

module m;
  bit clk, done, a;
    ap_1: assert property(@(posedge clk) 
      done[->1] |=> !a[->1] #=# always !a);

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In reply to Adarsh Santhosh:
// ON your other question
done[->1] |=> strong( !a[->1] ##1 !a[*0:])); // DO THIS instead done[->1] |=> s_always( !a[->1] ##1 !a[*1:]));

Hi Ben,

Can you share syntax of s_always?
Im getting an expected left bracket [ error at s_always.

In reply to Adarsh Santhosh:
Glad that you brought this up. I relied on memory.
In addition, I also made a mistake, particularly since I
am not an active user of SV and SVA.
As in any language, no use → it fades :)
OK, let’s get this assertion correctly.

// At initialization, when done then starting from the next cycle 
// wait for an occurrence of "a".  
// In the cycle following the "a", that variable is always ZERO. 
// SYntax: 
property_expr ::= 
  ... // several options, see 1800
  | sequence_expr #-# property_expr  // the followed-by operator.
  | sequence_expr #=# property_expr 
// property that follows a sequence by zero ( the #-#) or one cycle (the #=#) delay, 
// starting from the end point of the sequence
  | always property_expr  
  | always [ cycle_delay_const_range_expression ] property_expr  
  | s_always [ constant_range] property_expr 
//  Thus, the s_always require a range

module m;
  bit clk, done, a;
    ap_1: assert property(@(posedge clk) 
      done[->1] |=> !a[->1] #=# always !a);


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Hi Ben,

2 questions on above.

  1. whats the difference between #1 and #=# . Does the second option mean 0 or 1? if so, wouldnt ##0 be sufficient. Since, we have only signal “a” of interest.(“a” goes low and “a” stays low)
  2. since, we cant use s_always. How can we get a strong fail? Lets say “a” going low in consequent never happens.

In reply to Adarsh Santhosh:

In reply to
2 questions on above.

  1. whats the difference between #1 and #=# . Does the second option mean 0 or 1? if so, wouldnt ##0 be sufficient. Since, we have only signal “a” of interest.(“a” goes low and “a” stays low)
    !a[->1] #=# (always !a); // is a property composed of the
    sequence !a[->1] // and the
    property (always !a)
    !a[->1] ##1 (always !a) // is illegal
    You can use the #=# to have a sequence followed by a property
    Same thing for
    sequence #0 property // ILLEGAL
    sequence #-# property // LEGAL>
  2. since, we cant use s_always. How can we get a strong fail? Lets say “a” going low in consequent never happens.

The s_always needs a range. Thus,
!a[->1] #=# s_always[0:$] !a); /// IS OK, s_always by itself is not OK

Hi Ben,

!a[->1] #=# s_always[0:$] !a); /// IS OK, s_always by itself is not OK

As per LRM, i see unbounded strong always is illegal.
I got same error in my sims.

property p5;
s_always [2:$] a; // Illegal

The property p5 is illegal since specifying an unbounded range is not permitted with the strong form of an
always property.

Would you recommend putting strong on “a” going low instead?

strong(!a[->1]) #=# always[0:$] !a); 

My requirement is,

i need a strong pass/fail that after “done” the signal “a” went low and stayed low for the rest of sim.

strong(!a[->1]) #=# always[0:$] !a);

Ok, i tried this and got below error.
Expected a sequence expression as an operand to the property followed by ‘#=#’ operator

In reply to Adarsh Santhosh:
The strong qualifier applies to a sequence that is a property.
That makes the property strong.

below works

module m;
  bit clk, done, a;
    ap_1: assert property(@(posedge clk) 
                          done[->1] |=> (!a[->1]) 
                          #=# s_always[1:100000] !a);

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From LRM:
Ranged form of strong always
s_always [ constant_range ] property_expr
A property s_always [constant_range] property_expr evaluates to true if, and only if, all current
or future clock ticks specified by constant_range exist
and property_expr holds at each of these
clock ticks. The range for a strong always shall be bounded

From my sim, it looks like if the range doesnt exist, it will fail.

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Hi Ben,

I found another way to make my check work. I had a doubt for that method as explained below.

in sv, is it possible to use a multibit signal as trigger.
assert property(@(TB.state)

where state is [160:0]

As per my understanding, any change in signal should act as trigger. can the signal be multibit?

In reply to Adarsh Santhosh:
Yes on “As per my understanding, any change in signal should act as trigger. can the signal be multibit?”

But if TN.state wil introduce other issues in the assertion. For example:

module m;
  bit[3:0] a; 
  bit clk, b, c; 
  initial forever #5 clk=!clk; 
  always @(posedge clk) begin 
    a <= 1+1; b <= !b; c<=a[2]; 
  ap_1: assert property(@(a) b|-> c);
    initial begin 

Here, in ap_1, the sampled value of b is not the one preceding the posedge of clk (in the preponed region). That’s because a changes in the NBA region, which is also where all the b and c also changes; the order of changes is not guaranteed.
You are asking for trouble.

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Let’s say here signal a is a cycle counter and not related to any signal in the assertion.
Then, it would be ok. Right?

ap_1: assert property(@(a) b[->1] !c s_until (a == 'd1000))

b and c independent of a

In reply to Adarsh Santhosh:

I was wrong in how the simulator works for something like:
// signals a,b, and c are nonblocked assigned using posedge clk
ap_1: assert property(@(a) b[->1] !c s_until (a == 'd1000));
Above simulates OK even though a changes in the NBA region.
I am currently writing a paper on this, but it is not yet completed.
Generally, the preferred approach is:
ap_1: assert property(@(posedg clk) $changed(a) |-> b[->1] ##0 !c s_until (a == 'd1000));
I generally avoid the until unless the LHS is a simple expression rather than a sequence.
see my paper Reflections on Users’ Experiences with SVA, part 2
Reflections on Users’ Experiences with SVA, Part II

Ben Cohen
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

  1. SVA Package: Dynamic and range delays and repeats SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats - SystemVerilog - Verification Academy
  2. Free books:
  1. Papers:
    Understanding the SVA Engine,
    Verification Horizons
    Reflections on Users’ Experiences with SVA, part 1
    Reflections on Users’ Experiences with SVA
    Reflections on Users’ Experiences with SVA, part 2
    Reflections on Users’ Experiences with SVA, Part II
    Understanding and Using Immediate Assertions
    Understanding and Using Immediate Assertions
    SVA Alternative for Complex Assertions
    SVA in a UVM Class-based Environment
    SVA for statistical analysis of a weighted work-conserving prioritized round-robin arbiter.
    Udemy courses by Srinivasan Venkataramanan (

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Thanks, Ben for your insights.