SV Binds with multiple parameters using wildcards?

So I have an RTL module (rtl_mod) and an SV Bind module (rtl_bind_mod) that I am trying to bind to it.

I know I can bind it like this:

bind rtl_mod rtl_bind_mod #(.A(A), .B(B))rtl_bind_mod_instance(.a(a), .b(b));

and I know I can bind using wildcards for the ports:

bind rtl_mod rtl_bind_mod #(.A(A), .B(B))rtl_bind_mod_instance(.*);

But is there a way to use wildcards in the parameter section?


bind rtl_mod rtl_bind_mod #(.*)rtl_bind_mod_instance(.*);

No, .* only works for port connections.