SV assertion for verifying a sequence of events not working


I wanted to check when signals a and b are high at the posedge of clk, in same edge signal c is high and reg1 = 17’hF.
After that in a few cycles, c should go low.
from that point in a few cycles reg2 goes 17’h0.
after that in few cycles reg2 goes 17’h1FFFF and so on.

property example1;
disable iff (!(testmode))
@(posedge clk) ((TB.TOP.a) && (TB.TOP.b)) |-> (1, display ("Checking SEQ1")) ##0 ((TB.TOP.SUB.c) && (TB.TOP.SUB.reg1[16:0] == 17'h0000F)) ##[1:] (!(TB.TOP.SUB.c)) ##[1:] (TB.TOP.SUB.reg2[17:1] == 17'h00000) ##[1:] (TB.TOP.SUB.reg2[17:1] == 17’h1FFFF) ##[1:$] (TB.TOP.SUB.c);

I didnt have any syntax errors. But, one of my test cases where reg2 was forced to 1FFFF, there wasnt any assertion error.
Similarly, some other test cases where i forced value to deliberately fail assertion, they actually passed.
Any help would be appreciated.

Is there something Im missing?

In reply to Adarsh24:

// An assertion of the form 
    // seq |-> expr1 ## [1:$] seq2 
    // can only fail if expr1 is false.  <<<**********
    // If expr1==1 then there are an infinite number of possibilities 
    // for seq2 to be true. 
      seq |-> expr1 ## [1:$] seq2  // is equivalent to 
      seq |-> expr1 ##1 seq2 or
              expr1 ##2 seq2 or  
              expr1 ##n seq2; // n= $ 

    // The difference between something like 
            ##1  !c[->1]
            ##1  (reg2[17:1] == 17'h00000) [->1]
            ##1  (reg2[17:1] == 17'h1FFFF) [->1]
     // and this 
            ##[1:$] (!c) 
            ##[1:$] (reg2[17:1] == 17'h00000) 
            ##[1:$] (reg2[17:1] == 17'h1FFFF) 
    // is that with the goto operator, when 
            (!c)  // occurs
    // no other occurrences of !c is further tested. 
    // For example, the following 3 sequences are possibilities
            ##2 (!c) 
            ##4 (reg2[17:1] == 17'h00000) 
            ##6 (reg2[17:1] == 17'h1FFFF) 
    // or ..
            ##3 (!c) 
            ##5 (reg2[17:1] == 17'h00000) 
            ##6 (reg2[17:1] == 17'h1FFFF)
    // In essence, the use of the goto operator it is equivalent to 
            first_match(##[1:$] (!c))
            ##0 first_match(##[1:$] (reg2[17:1] == 17'h00000))
            ##0 first_match(##[1:$] (reg2[17:1] == 17'h1FFFF))
// Taking the path out, I would write it as 
property example1;
        disable iff (!(testmode))
        @(posedge clk) (a && b) |-> (1, $display ("Checking SEQ1"))
            ##0 (c && (reg1[16:0] == 17'h0000F)) 
            ##1  !c[->1]
            ##1  (reg2[17:1] == 17'h00000) [->1]
            ##1  (reg2[17:1] == 17'h1FFFF) [->1]
            ##1  c[->1];

// BTW, you have too many ()s.  Use expr instead (expr) 
// You may also want to use the "let" on the path.  Thus,
let path=TB.TOP;
path.!c ##1 path.reg2  

Ben Cohen
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** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

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That’s exactly what happened. Only if I fail expr1, the assertion was erroring out.

I will check with your solution soon and update you.

Thanks so much for helping out.

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Looks like its not working. I tried with goto operator just as you mentioned.

I tried forcing reg2 with 17’h1FFFF throughout the testmode high. Didnt fail, even though i had check for 17’h00000.
REG2 17’h1FFFF

Also, tried making c low when antecedent true. Didnt error out.
c low when antecedent true

But, it did error out when reg1 was 17’h0 instead of 17’hF.
reg1 17’h0

i tried using first match for antecednt as below. But, it didnt help my case.

    @(posedge clk) first_match(a && b) |-> (1, $display ("Checking SEQ1"))

In reply to Adarsh24:

In reply to
Looks like its not working. I tried with goto operator just as you mentioned.
I tried forcing reg2 with 17’h1FFFF throughout the testmode high. Didnt fail, even though i had check for 17’h00000.
REG2 17’h1FFFF

// Looked at the waveforms   
@(posedge clk) (a && b) |-> (1, $display ("Checking SEQ1"))
            ##0 (c && (reg1[16:0] == 17'h0000F)) 
            ##1  !c[->1] // <**** you got to here 
            // The next occurrence of (reg2[17:1] == 17'h00000) never happened 
            // reg2== FFFF, thus simulator is waiting for 
            // (reg2[17:1] == 17'h00000) [->1]
            // Simulator is stuck in active mode, no failure at end of sim
            // unless you qualify the consequent as "strong"
            ##1  (reg2[17:1] == 17'h00000) [->1]
            ##1  (reg2[17:1] == 17'h1FFFF) [->1]
            ##1  c[->1];

Also, tried making c low when antecedent true. Didnt error out.
c low when antecedent true
But, it did error out when reg1 was 17’h0 instead of 17’hF.
reg1 17’h0

// An assertion of the form
// seq |-> expr1 ## [1:$] seq2
// can only fail if expr1 is false. <<<**********
// If expr1==1 then there are an infinite number of possibilities
// for seq2 to be true

i tried using first match for antecednt as below. But, it didnt help my case.

    @(posedge clk) first_match(a && b) |-> (1, $display ("Checking SEQ1"))

You’re throwing the kitchen sink!
An antecedent with a single possible match need not a first_match.
a first_match is needed when there are multiple possible matches, like in
a ##[1:$] b |-> …

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Hi Ben,

thanks for replying.

I didnt know about the strong concept. I will read more on that and try it.

// An assertion of the form
// seq |-> expr1 ## [1:$] seq2
// can only fail if expr1 is false. <<<**********
// If expr1==1 then there are an infinite number of possibilities
// for seq2 to be true

Ok. Im a little confused here. I thought only infinite limit($) had that issue and I won’t be having this issue when Im using goto operator. I need to check more about goto operator.

even then, isnt “(c && (reg2[16:0] == 17’hF))” the expr1. So c low means expr1 is 0.
or is the (1,display(“”); the expr1?

You’re throwing the kitchen sink!
An antecedent with a single possible match need not a first_match.
a first_match is needed when there are multiple possible matches, like in
a ##[1:$] b |-> …

I might not have been clear.
There are possibilities for multiple matches where antecedent is true. a and b stays high for multiple clock cycles. maybe i should have used $rose instead.

Or do u mean antecednt can have a sequence with multiple events and then if we need first of those events, use first_match?

In short, I was looking for all of these events to happen in exact sequence( when a and b is high at a clock edge for the first time) and if even one of the steps doesnt happen or changes order, assertion should error out.

In reply to Adarsh24:

b[->1] is equivalent to: !b[*0:$] ##1 b

At every clocking event there is an attempt at the assertion, meaning that a new thread, independent from other threads, starts to evaluate the antecedent and consequent. Use the $rose unless you need to check the consequent for every clocking event when antecedent is true.

You’re correct, “(c && (reg2[16:0] == 17’hF))” is expr1; I misread it.

Or do u mean antecednt can have a sequence with multiple events and then if we need first of those events, use first_match?

when antecedent has “or”.
a ##[1:2] b is equivalent to
a ##1 b or a ##2 b.
C[*1:2] ##1 d is equivalent to
C [*1] ##1 d or C[*2] ##1 d

Read my paper - Understanding the SVA Engine,

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Adding strong to the consequent helped.
Thanks a lot Ben.