Starting Delay of Clk to appear and its assertion checks

In our current SoC, the system clock runs at 24ns and the doubler clock appears only after a time gap of 20ns from the clk_reset_block output.

Since our assertions written are trying to check unknown values, and is sensitive to the doubler clock which only starts after 20ns , the assertion fails much earlier at 12ns also.

Is there a way that assertion check starts to get enabled only after 20ns of time as the clocks are not up?

In reply to rsguptaji:
from my SVA Handbook 4th Edition
Use of a system function to disable the checking of the assertion
The assertion controls (e.g., $asserton, $assertoff, see can be used to disable all, or selected assertions for a specific period of time. For example:

initial begin // ch3/3.10/
  $assertoff(0); // if called without arguments,
    // it affects the entire design (e.g., $assertoff; )
    repeat(2) @ (posedge clk2); // tune as needed 
     // #10 // or some duration ..

// here is another example: 
module my_control(); // ch4/4.2/
  initial begin : disable_assertions_during_reset
     $display ("%0t %m Disabling assertions during init..", $time);
     $assertoff (0, top_tb.cpu_rtl_1);
     @ (top_tb.reset_n === 1'b1);
     $display ("%0t %m Enabling assertions after init..", $time);
     $asserton (0, top_tb.cpu_rtl_1); 
end endmodule : my_control

module top_tb;
  logic clk =1’b0, reset_n = 1’b0;
  bus_if b_if; // Instantiation of interface
  cpu_rtl cpu_rtl_1(clk, reset_n, .*); // Instantiation of cpu module
  my_control my_control_1(); // instantiation of assertion control
endmodule : top_tb

Ben Cohen
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  1. Verification Horizons - March 2018 Issue | Verification Academy
  2. SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats | Verification Academy
  3. SVA in a UVM Class-based Environment
    SVA in a UVM Class-based Environment | Verification Horizons | Verification Academy

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Thanks Ben
1st method has worked.