Sort a queue of objects by object getter value

Hi SV forum,
I have a class which contain getter method which return addr value of type int.

class reg extends uvm_object;
  int addr;
  int val;
  function int get_addr();
    return addr;

In other class I have queue of objects of reg type.
I need to write a method which create a sorted queue,
meaning that the first item in the queue will be reg with lowest addr value
and the last item will be reg with highest addr value.
I did it but it took me allot of code, is there a way maybe using array reduction technique to do it with less code?

// q[0]={addr=1,val=12}, q[1]={addr=10,val=9}, q[2]={addr=8,val=4}
// sq[0]={addr=1,val=12}, sq[1]={addr=8,val=4}, sq[2]={addr=10,val=9}
class algo extends uvm_object;
  reg q[$];
  reg sq[$]; //sorted queue
  function void sort_q_by_addr();

In reply to shimonc:

sq = q;
sq.sort() with (item.get_addr);