Simulate OpenDrain line


I am having a lot of trouble trying to simulate an OpenCollector line.

Basically I have a design with a Xilinx’ IOB driver which is supposed to connect to an OpenDrain line. My goal is to have multiple modules all connected to the same line (which should also have a pullup) so that when one modules pulls the line low all other modules can see it. Ideally I would also like to model collisions, in other words, if more than one module drive the lines in a Push&Pull fashion (the behaviour of the IOB is configurable) I would like to see that in the simulation with an X or U.

Moreover, I would also like to model delays. In other words, I would like to be able to model how long it takes for the signal to propagate from one port to another.

What does SV offer for this purposes?


In reply to arquer:

To try to elaborat further:

  1. I have a module which acts like a “hub” to give it a name. In my mind this modules is the one who would physically have the OpenDrain line with it’s pullup resistor.
  2. This “hub” has N SystemVerilog Interfaces, and a “logic” signal which is the OpenDrain physical line.
  3. I have N modules with an inout port (with an IOB instantiated) which is supposed to be connected to the OpenDrain line.
  4. I want to place a pullup resistor on the OpenDrain line (located inside the “hub” modules) and I also want to connect all the ports from the N modules together.

Inside the Hub modules I could do:

pullup i_pullup(oc_line);

However, how do I also connect all the N modules together with each other and with that OC line?
