Simple testbench for required specifications

can anyone write me a simple testbench with following signals with interface , monitor , generator , etc…find it below…and if you can…please provide comments wherever this code can get complicated for a beginner…a simple testbench with following classes will be very helpful

Write following classes for a System Verilog TestBench :

  1. DUT
  2. Interface
  3. Top
  4. Environment
  5. Packet
  6. Driver
  7. Receiver
  8. Testcase

○ Interface has following signals :
clk : clock
rst : asynchronous reset
addr : address for read/write data
data_out : data to be written to DUT
data_in : data read from DUT

chip_sel : Chip select.
It must be high .

wr_rd : Write / Read select signal.
If wr_rd=0 => Write data_out to DUT register at addr.
If wr_rd=1 => Read data_in data from DUT register at addr.

i need a DUT something like this…as a array which stores a data…find it below
may be , my DUT will have some errors … do accordingly …with ur expertice , which i need the most right now
…this answer will decide whether i’ll get my job or not…soooo…need help

module memory(

input clk;
input rst;

input [7:0]addr; //width
// input [7:0]data;

input wr_rd;

input [7:0] data_in;
output [7:0] data_out;

reg [7:0] data_out ;

reg [7:0] mem [256]; // array length

always @(posedge rst)
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)

if (chip_sel==1)

always @(posedge clk) 
  if (wr_rd==0)    mem[addr] <= data_in;

always @(posedge clk)
if (wr_rd==1) data_out <= mem[addr];


In reply to mihir_hmt:

You aren’t going to learn anything if you have others do your work for you.