Reverting a shuffle

Hi all,

is it possibile to get the orginal bit array before making the shuffle?

bit [5:0] vector;
vector = 11010;

Is it possibile to revert the shuffle?

Thanks guys

In reply to alexkidd84:
Array odering methods only works on unpacked array . Please refer to LRM section 7.12.2

In reply to alexkidd84:


As stated above, shuffle() only applies to unpacked arrays.

In your example code, if you have used the below, you can use shuffle() (which is what I think you meant)

bit vector[5:0];

I don’t think there is a way to reverse the shuffle(). It makes no sense for such a feature as the user can simply duplicate the array before shuffling if he is interested in retaining the original bit array. Duplicating an array isn’t much of a performance hit either.

Good ol’ unshuffle(), it’s very similar to Kryten’s uncrop feature.

In reply to warnerrs:

Holy Crop! They did an Uncrop :D