Reuse task between multiple interfaces using package

I have two interfaces that I would like to call the same driver task with automatic lifetime (so that each interface gets its own copy of the task). It seems like there should be a way to use a package to share the common code. Or is there some other way?

package automatic some_pkg;
   automatic logic clk, data;
   task drive_data(logic a);
      @ (posedge clk);
      data = a & data;
endpackage : some_pkg

interface some_interface0;
   import some_pkg::*;

   logic if_clk, if_data, b;
   assign if_clk  = clk;  // clk is from some_pkg
   assign if_data = data; // data is from some_pkg

   initial begin
      b = 0;
endinterface : some_interface0

interface some_interface1;
   import some_pkg::*;

   logic if_clk, if_data, c;
   assign if_clk  = clk;  // clk is from some_pkg
   assign if_data = data; // data is from some_pkg

   initial begin
      c = 1;
endinterface : some_interface1

Is this possible in SystemVerilog somehow?

In reply to ce_2015:
Your approach is quite a diversion from using an approach like UVM with the use of classes instead of packages. I believe that you are better off using classes instead.

Ben Cohen
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Yes, and a virtual interface to connect the class to the interface signals?

I too am seeing this as the only way.