Real type connection failure between two blocks

Hi all,

i’m tryin to make a SV code with the following bloks:

-Gaussian nois generator: the output is 16 bit, but i had converted it to real

-Low pass filter input real, output real

=> the verification of the two bloks are OK

-sigma delta modulator, input Real, Output bit

=> the connection between this blok with the Low pass filter is KO, this warning appear: ** Warning: (vsim-3015) [PCDPC] - Port size (64 or 64) does not match connection size (1) for port ‘Ain’. The port definition is at:

when i had changed the output of the gaussian noise generator from bits to real it appear to work, but when connect with SDM, it is failing, i do not know why

In reply to saketa:

Hi saketa. It would be helpful if you would post the port definitions for and, as well as the code that instantiates the modules and connects the ports. On the surface this looks like Verilog’s implicit-wire-is-really-a-typo “feature”.

In reply to sbellock:

In reply to saketa:
Hi saketa. It would be helpful if you would post the port definitions for and, as well as the code that instantiates the modules and connects the ports. On the surface this looks like Verilog’s implicit-wire-is-really-a-typo “feature”.

Hi sbellock: module sdm_rnm (input bit clk_1mhz, input real Ain, output bit Dout); //SDM2
module valid_gng_low_pass (clk, rstn, ce, Fp, Av, OUT, valid_out);
output real OUT; // output of filter
input logic clk;
input logic rstn;
input logic ce;
input real Fp; // corner frequency (Hz)
input real Av;
output valid_out;
//local signal//

real data_out;

module valid_gng_low_pass_SDM (clk,  rstn, ce,  Fp,  Av, Dout, valid_out);

input logic clk;
input logic rstn;
  input logic ce;
input real Fp; // corner frequency (Hz)
input real Av;
output bit Dout;
output bit valid_out;

real data_out;

valid_gng_low_pass U2_valid_gng_low_pass (.clk(clk),  .rstn(rstn), .ce(ce),  .Fp(Fp),  .Av(Av), .OUT(OUT), .valid_out(valid_out));

sdm_rnm U3_sdm(.clk_1mhz(clk), .Ain(OUT), .Dout(Dout));



In reply to saketa:

In valid_gng_low_pass_SDM you didn’t declare signal OUT as real. The simulator implicitly created a 1-bit wire called OUT.

module valid_gng_low_pass_SDM (clk,  rstn, ce,  Fp,  Av, Dout, valid_out);
  input logic clk;
  input logic rstn;
  input logic ce;
  input real Fp; // corner frequency (Hz)
  input real Av;
  output bit Dout;
  output bit valid_out;

  real data_out;
  real OUT; // Add this - sbellock.
  valid_gng_low_pass U2_valid_gng_low_pass (.clk(clk),  .rstn(rstn), .ce(ce),  .Fp(Fp),  .Av(Av), .OUT(OUT), .valid_out(valid_out));
  sdm_rnm U3_sdm(.clk_1mhz(clk), .Ain(OUT), .Dout(Dout)); 

In reply to sbellock:

Thank you sbellock, but it solve the warning not the expected result the simulation is giving for GNG+LowPass+SDM a Dout=0, i was expecting a stream of bits

here is the testbench i’m using:

`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps

module tb_gng_low_pass_SDM;

// Parameters
parameter ClkPeriod = 1000.0;
parameter Dly = 1.0;
parameter N = 1000000;

// Local variables
logic clk;
logic rstn;
logic ce;
 real OUT;
 real Fp; // corner frequency (Hz)
 real Av;
 logic Dout;
 logic valid_out;

// Instances

valid_gng_low_pass_SDM u_valid_gng_low_pass_SDM (.clk(clk),  .rstn(rstn), .ce(ce),  .Fp(Fp),  .Av(Av), .Dout(Dout), .valid_out(valid_out));

// System signals
initial begin
    clk <= 1'b0;
    forever #(ClkPeriod/2) clk = ~clk;

initial begin
    rstn <= 1'b0;
    #(ClkPeriod*2) rstn = 1'b1;

// Main process
int fpOut;

initial begin
    fpOut = $fopen("gng_data_out.txt", "w");
    ce = 0;

    repeat (N) begin
        @(posedge clk);
        ce = 1;
        Fp = 2000;
        Av = 2;
    @(posedge clk);
    ce = 0;

// Record data
always_ff @ (negedge clk) begin
    if (valid_out)
        $fwrite(fpOut, "%0d\n", OUT);


In reply to saketa:

Maybe change

$fwrite(fpOut, "%0d\n", OUT);


$fwrite(fpOut, "%f\n", OUT);

since OUT is of real type and not integral.

In reply to sbellock:

it does not resolve the isuue, the solution that you provide is for writing the OUT in a file (by the way i should change it to Dout)

The problem is that OUT is not propagated from low_pass to SDM

In reply to saketa:

Hi sbellock, any feedbacks