Readmemh, hierarchical path of instance and strings

I have a UVM environment and inside the DUT (deep inside) I have a rom. I want to use the readmemh to preload the rom before run_phase.
According to readmemh the format is readmemh(file, mem_instance).
While I don’t have problem to pass the file (including the path) using defines but my problem is the path of the instance.
The path of the rom instance is something like and the actual array inside the rom is being declared as

reg [7:0] rom[0:127];

At the same time the vendor has a task to access the rom as

task readRom;
input [((256*8)-1):0] path;
  readmemh(path, rom.otp);

My questions here are
a) Is there a way to access the rom task and pass the filename from i.e any uvm phase i.e pre_reset
b) It seems I can not use the readmhem from the pre_reset phase using the above hierarchical path. Questa does like instance paths.
I converted those paths into string (also the path before the array) and Questa was complaining that the 2nd arg is not a memory
How do I put a hierarchical instance path


In reply to prince7273:

You can do a variation of what I describe in my Missing Link paper.

What I suggest is similar to what you do with a virtual interface, except I’m going to use an interface class.

Put this interface class definition in a package that’s actable to both your UVM component and the top-level test bench module where you setup your uvm_config_db::set()s before calling run_test. (You can also put this into an existing configuration object instead of creating a separate one.

interface class memory_abstract;
  pure virtual task readmem(string path);

Then in your test bench module, you will create a “concrete” class, an put a

module tb_top;

class memory_concrete implements memory_abstract;
  task readmem(string path);{>>{path}});

memory_concrete mc = new;

initial begin

In your testbench component:

memory_abstract ma;
task pre_reset(uvm_phase phase);
  uvm_config_db#(memory_abstract)::get(this,"","mc", ma);

In reply to dave_59:
can you please explain what will below line do?{{>>{path}});

Hi Dave.
For your first solution is a bit hard to implement it right now but I will.
In the meantime I came up with the following solution

`define OTP_ROM_FILE_PATH “…/src/rcf/”

task load_otp_rom_from_file (input string file_name);

static reg    [7:0] otp_buffer[0:127];
string file = file_name;
string path = `OTP_ROM_FILE_PATH;
string otp_file = {path,file};
string idx;
string full_path_of_otp;    
string otp_path = `STRING(`PRJ_DIG_TOP(0).otp_0.slp_tsmc180g33_128x8_cm4d_ak_0.slp);
$readmemh(otp_file, otp_buffer);
foreach (otp_buffer[i]) begin
     full_path_of_otp = {otp_path,".otp[","idx]"};           
     void'(uvm_hdl_deposit({otp_path,".otp[",idx,"]"}, otp_buffer[i]));          
`uvm_info(get_type_name(), $sformatf("The OTP ROM was programmed from file..."), UVM_LOW)

endtask : load_otp_rom_from_file

and from the reset_phase you just call the task

static reg [7:0] otp[0:127];
$readmemh(`OTP_ROM_FILE(test_otp_differential_read_controller.rcf), otp);

I used the uvm_hdl_deposit to access the rom and I was converting the idx as string
It works.

I will implement your second solution and let you know

In reply to juhi_880:

I had a typo with an extra {.

{>>{path}} converts the string to the fixed sized vactor reg [((256*8)-1):0] path;, which is how Verilog represented strings before SystemVerilog came along with the string datatype.