Question: Operators in Assertions

Hi All,

Can anybody tell me which operator I should use in System Verilog assertions, Logical or Bitwise…and Why ??

It should be the logical because

  1. that is the intent, it reads better,
  2. Does what you want.
    For example:
    bit[2:0] a=3’b101, b=3’b010;
    bit x, y;
    if(!a) …// Since a >0, !a is false
    if(~a) …// ~a==010, thus ~a is true, not the intent.
    a && b |-> … // a is true, b is true since they are > 1
    // thus a && b is true
    a & b |-> // bitwise and, thus a & b is 3’b000
    // a & b is false
    Ben Cohen

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It should be what the intent requires. In general, I would stick with logical operators and only use bitwise on vectors greater than 1-bit wide AND the operation requires it, like masking.