Query on Assertion handling


I have a scenario where I need to write an assertion. Please help me. I have 2 interrupts I1(highest priority) and I2(low priority). Once I1 occurs, there is some functionality to be done and for I2 also the same. Suppose When I1 is running, in between I2 has come. After I1 finishes only I2 should start and execute that assertion. How to handle such type of situation. Please help me out

In reply to Anudeep J:

I have a scenario where I need to write an assertion. Please help me. I have 2 interrupts I1(highest priority) and I2(low priority). Once I1 occurs, there is some functionality to be done and for I2 also the same. Suppose When I1 is running, in between I2 has come. After I1 finishes only I2 should start and execute that assertion. How to handle such type of situation. Please help me out

[Ben] There are several aspects to these assertions:

  1. What is legal
  2. what is illegal.
    For this problem, the assertions are complex because you’re dealing with inter-related FSMs, pretty much like a EW, NS traffic light controller. For that problem, you have the legal aspects of when the EW or NS light change and in what order. You also have the illegal states, like the NS ligh and EW light should never be green at the same time.

For your problem, if while the processing of i1 occurs, i2 occurs, you want to process the lower priority i2 to start when the high priority finishes; in other words, you do not want the higher priority i1 to restart because it is of higher priority.
I started something for you, but I am not really happy with it because I did not write assertions for the illegal conditions; also, I am not sure if my legal assertions are OK. I am providing my code only as a guide. You may want to consider using FSMs written in SystemVerilog as the support logic, and then write the legal and illegal assertions. I’ll let you do that. I hope this guide will help you. Code is available at

import uvm_pkg::*; `include "uvm_macros.svh" 
module top; 
	bit clk, i1, i2; //  
	bit done_i1, done_i2; 
	// Need to know when i1 or i2 can go to completion once initiated. 
	bit go_i1=1'b1, go_i2=1'b1;  // 
	bit i1_initialted, i2_initialted; 
	default clocking @(posedge clk); endclocking
	initial forever #10 clk=!clk;  
	function void set_go_i1(bit x); 
	function void set_go_i2(bit x); 
	function void set_i1_intitiated(bit x); 
	function void set_i2_intitiated(bit x); 
	ap_i1: assert property(
	   $rose(i1) |-> go_i1[->1] ##0 
                (1, set_go_i1(1'b0), set_go_i2(1'b0), set_i1_intitiated(1'b1)) 
                 ##1 // disable the go of i1, i2
		 done_i1[->1] ##0 !i2_initialted[->1] 
                 ##0 (1, set_i1_intitiated(1'b0), set_go_i1(1'b1), set_go_i2(1'b1)) );  
    ap_i2: assert property(
	$rose(i2)  |-> go_i2[->1] ##0 
                     (1, set_i2_intitiated(1'b1)) ##1 // disable the go of i2
	 done_i2[->1] ##0 (1, set_i2_intitiated(1'b0), set_go_i1(1'b1)) );  

 initial begin 
     repeat(200) begin 
       @(posedge clk);   
       if (!randomize(i1, i2, done_i1, done_i2)  with 
           { i1 dist   {1'b1:=1, 1'b0:=17};
             i2 dist   {1'b1:=1, 1'b0:=17};
             done_i1 dist {1'b1:=1, 1'b0:=20};
             done_i2 dist {1'b1:=1, 1'b0:=20};
           }) `uvm_error("MYERR", "This is a randomize error")

Ben Cohen
http://www.systemverilog.us/ ben@systemverilog.us

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