Pushing a logic [255:0] to SV queue


Could someone help me with declaring/pushing a 256 bit value to a queue?

logic [255:0] ct_U256_q[$];
logic [255:0] ct_U256;

         $display("collect_mtu_in::ct_U256_q is %p", ct_U256_q);

What is displayed by MTI simulator is :

ct_U256 is ac6cdf431b40e2dd6f445d351fcfb3b34c16d497d633903f8b1dd31b413d9f59

collect_mtu_in::ct_U256_q is '{77990170337939769808558145325515387056168120602904543885820673107232598892377}

I don’t understand why the value from the q is displayed like that?

I tried on eda playground and it seems to be okay with VCS.
Same issue with mentor questa though.

can someone help me with this?

In reply to UVM_learner6:

The “%p” format specifier is not explicit on how it is implemented, so vendors use different formats. In one simulator, the elements are displayed as integers. In the other, they are displayed as hex values. Both are correct.

You can use a foreach() loop if you want to apply a specific format to each element.

You can use

$displayh ("%p", ct_U256_q);

to show it in hexadecimal.

In reply to cgales:

This is an open issue in the LRM that I hope will get addressed in the next revision.

In reply to dave_59:

Thank you everyone. $displayh worked.