Priority checking with assertion

I want to write the assertion for checking the priority. Here is the scenario:

I have two masters and 1 slave. For master_0 having signal sel_0,addr_0,write_0, For master_1 having signal sel_1,addr_1, write_0 and for slave signals are sel, addr, write.

when sel_0, sel_1,write_0,write_1 is getting high at same time it means both are trying to access. But slave will take 1 request at 1 time and it will take for master_0. That means after asserting of masters signal 2 to 10 clock slave sel and write will get high and the addr of slave will be same as for master_0 and then after 2 to 5 clock again it sel and write signal get hign and addr will be for master_1.

I want to write an assertion for it to check that before serving addr for master_0, master_1 address should not has to come on slave.
I am writing as below but assertion is giving compilation error as Property operator usage is not allowed in sequence context. Implication used
in sequence context.

property master_prop;
logic [31:0]l_addr_0,l_addr_1;
@(posedge local_clk)
((write_0 && sel_0 && write_1 && sel_1),l_addr_0=addr_0,l_addr_1=addr_1) |=> ##[1:8](((sel & write)&& (addr == l_addr_0))|=> ##[0:2] ((sel & write) && (addr ==l_addr_1)));


Can anybody please help me to improve my code.


In reply to myselfprakhar:

/* I have two masters and 1 slave. 
 * For master_0 having signal sel_0,addr_0,write_0, 
 * For master_1 having signal sel_1,addr_1, write_1 
 * and for slave signals are sel, addr, write.
  when sel_0, sel_1,write_0,write_1 is getting high at same time 
    it means both are trying to access. 
    But slave will take 1 request at 1 time and it will take for master_0. 
    That means after asserting of masters signal 
      2 to 10 clock slave sel and write will get high and 
      the addr of slave will be same as for master_0 and 
      then after 2 to 5 clock again it sel and write signal get hign and addr will be for master_1.

I want to write an assertion for it to check that before serving addr for master_0, 
master_1 address should not has to come on slave.
I am writing as below but assertion is giving compilation error as Property operator usage
 is not allowed in sequence context. Implication used */
1) Your error is that you have an extra parenthesis 
//##[1:8](((sel & write)&& (addr == l_addr_0)) |=> ##[0:2] ((sel & write) && (addr ==l_addr_1)));
//-------^ error on this parenthesis
2) Your usage of the 2nd implication operator is not justified and is incorrect. 
When you say something like 
  a |=> b |=> c
You are stating that if b==0, then the property is vacuous.  This is not your intent here. 
What you want is  a |=> b ##1 c, thus if b==0, the property is false. 
3)When you say something like 
  a |=> ##[1:8]b |=> ##[1:2]c
You antecedent of property (##[1:8]b |=> ##[1:2]c) starts multiple threads, 
and for that property to succeed, then all threads must succeed. Specifically, 
##[1:8]b |=> ##[1:2]c  // is same as 
(##1 b |=> ##[1:2]c) or (##2 b |=> ##[1:2]c) or .. (##8 b |=> ##[1:2]c) 
If you really want to use the range in an antecedent, then you should use the first_match()  
a |=> first_match(##[1:8]b) |=> ##[1:2]c
4) You tend to use way too many parentheses!!!
5) for logical "and", use the && and not the &.  
You did that in a few places, but you are not consistent
Thus, for your example: 
module top; 
	bit clk, write_0, sel_0, sel_1, sel, write, write_1;  
	logic [31:0]addr_0, addr_1, addr;
	default clocking @(posedge clk); endclocking
	initial forever #10 clk=!clk;  
 	property p_master_prop;
	  logic [31:0]l_addr_0,l_addr_1;
	  ((write_0 && sel_0 && write_1 && sel_1),l_addr_0=addr_0,l_addr_1=addr_1) |=> 
	    ##[1:8] (sel && write) && (addr == l_addr_0) ##[1:2] (sel && write) && (addr ==l_addr_1);
	ap_master_prop: assert property(p_master_prop);  

Ben Cohen

In reply to

Thanks Ben,

I have done the same in last as
logic [31:0]l_addr_0,l_addr_1;
((write_0 && sel_0 && write_1 && sel_1),l_addr_0=addr_0,l_addr_1=addr_1) |=>
##[1:8] (sel & write) && (addr == l_addr_0) ##[1:2](sel & write) && (addr ==l_addr_1);

But I had a doubt. I want that (sel & write) && (addr == l_addr_0)condition to get satisfied first and it can come at any clock from 1 to 8, just say at 3 and i want my condition (sel & write) && (addr ==l_addr_1) get checked from 3rd clock when 1st condition is satisfied by 1 to 2 clk after it. Will this assertion do the same check?
Will it check from 1 to 8 clk for first condition and after it 1 to 2 clk for second conditon?

In reply to myselfprakhar:

In reply to
Thanks Ben,
I have done the same in last as
logic [31:0]l_addr_0,l_addr_1;
((write_0 && sel_0 && write_1 && sel_1),l_addr_0=addr_0,l_addr_1=addr_1) |=>
##[1:8] (sel & write) && (addr == l_addr_0) ##[1:2](sel & write) && (addr ==l_addr_1);
But I had a doubt. I want that (sel & write) && (addr == l_addr_0)condition to get satisfied first and it can come at any clock from 1 to 8, just say at 3 and i want my condition (sel & write) && (addr ==l_addr_1) get checked from 3rd clock when 1st condition is satisfied by 1 to 2 clk after it. Will this assertion do the same check?
Will it check from 1 to 8 clk for first condition and after it 1 to 2 clk for second conditon?

Yes. The property a |=> ##[1:8]b ##[1:2] c does state that
if(a) then the sequence ##[1:8]b ##[1:2] c must match
and that sequence does indeed state that ##[1:8]b must occur first and then ##[1:2] c

Also, I editied some comments in my previous reply. Read them.
Ben Cohen

In reply to

Thank you very much, I done the same,

I done below code:(display i added for just checking after wards), My assertion is not failing when even it get (sel & write)&& (addr == l_addr_0) satisfied but ##[0:4] ((sel & write) && (addr ==l_addr_1) didn’t get satisfied.

property master_write0_write1_arb_prop;
logic [31:0]l_addr_0,l_addr_1;
@(posedge local_clk)
((write_0 && sel_0 && write_1 && sel_1),l_addr_0=addr_0,l_addr_1=addr_1,$display($time," assertion_1: write_0=%b, l_addr_0=%0h, l_addr_1= %0h",write_0,addr_0,addr_1)) |=> ##[1:8](((sel & write)&& (addr == l_addr_0)) ##[0:4] ((sel & write) && (addr ==l_addr_1)),$display($time," assertion_1_conse: l_addr_0=%0h, l_addr_1= %0h", l_addr_0,l_addr_1));

master_write0_write1_arb_cover : assert property (master_write0_write1_arb_prop)
`uvm_error(“body”, $sformatf(" Assertion Failed "));

Even in display i am getting l_addr_1 and l_addr_0 as always 0 while in the waveform i checked at the same time stamp it is non zero.
Am i making any silly mistake?


In reply to

Thank you very much, I done the same,

I done below code:(display i added for just checking after wards), My assertion is not failing when even it get (sel & write)&& (addr == l_addr_0) satisfied but ##[0:4] ((sel & write) && (addr ==l_addr_1) didn’t get satisfied.

property master_write0_write1_arb_prop;
logic [31:0]l_addr_0,l_addr_1;
@(posedge local_clk)
((write_0 && sel_0 && write_1 && sel_1),l_addr_0=addr_0,l_addr_1=addr_1,$display($time," assertion_1: write_0=%b, l_addr_0=%0h, l_addr_1= %0h",write_0,addr_0,addr_1)) |=> ##[1:8](((sel & write)&& (addr == l_addr_0)) ##[0:4] ((sel & write) && (addr ==l_addr_1)),$display($time," assertion_1_conse: l_addr_0=%0h, l_addr_1= %0h", l_addr_0,l_addr_1));

master_write0_write1_arb_cover : assert property (master_write0_write1_arb_prop)
`uvm_error(“body”, $sformatf(" Assertion Failed "));

Even in display i am getting l_addr_1 and l_addr_0 as always 0 while in the waveform i checked at the same time stamp it is non zero.
Am i making any silly mistake?


In reply to myselfprakhar:
Did you provide enough clock cycles?

 a |=> ##[1:8]b ##[1:2] c
/ is same as 
 a |=> (##1 b ##1 c) or 
       (##2 b ##1 c) or 
       (##8 b ##1 c) or  
       (##1 b ##2 c) or 
        ##2 b ##2 c) or 
       (##3 b ##2 c) or 
       (##8 b ##2 c);
logic [31:0]l_addr_0,l_addr_1;
((write_0 && sel_0 && write_1 && sel_1),l_addr_0=addr_0,l_addr_1=addr_1) |=> 
           ##[1:8] (sel & write) && (addr == l_addr_0)
           ##[1:2](sel & write) && (addr ==l_addr_1);
That's a 16 test cycles in the consequent.  If at the end of the 16 cycles there is no match, the property will fail; at least is should.  

Ben Cohen

  • SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448
  • A Pragmatic Approach to VMM Adoption 2006 ISBN 0-9705394-9-5
  • Using PSL/SUGAR for Formal and Dynamic Verification 2nd Edition, 2004, ISBN 0-9705394-6-0
  • Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL, 2002 isbn 0-9705394-2-8
  • Component Design by Example ", 2001 ISBN 0-9705394-0-1
  • VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies, 2nd Edition, 1999 ISBN 0-7923-8474-1
  • VHDL Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, 2nd Edition ISBN 0-7923-8115

In reply to

Yes after antecedent got qualify, ##[1:8] (sel & write) && (addr == l_addr_0) condition came after 4 clk and ##[1:2](sel & write) && (addr ==l_addr_1) condition is coming after 15 clk which is not expected, but still my assertion is not throwing any error.


In reply to

logic [31:0]l_addr_0,l_addr_1;
((write_0 && sel_0 && write_1 && sel_1),l_addr_0=addr_0,l_addr_1=addr_1) |=> 
           ##[1:8] (sel & write) && (addr == l_addr_0)
           ##[1:2](sel & write) && (addr ==l_addr_1);

Are your select control signals single pulses? If not, you’ll need a $rose(sel_0), $rose(sel_1), or simply a
$rose(write_0 && sel_0 && write_1 && sel_1).
The way you have it, at every clock cycle where (write_0 && sel_0 && write_1 && sel_1) is true, you have a new attempt and a new thread, which is separate from other previous or future attempts.
Ben Cohen

  • SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448
  • A Pragmatic Approach to VMM Adoption 2006 ISBN 0-9705394-9-5
  • Using PSL/SUGAR for Formal and Dynamic Verification 2nd Edition, 2004, ISBN 0-9705394-6-0
  • Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL, 2002 isbn 0-9705394-2-8
  • Component Design by Example ", 2001 ISBN 0-9705394-0-1
  • VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies, 2nd Edition, 1999 ISBN 0-7923-8474-1
  • VHDL Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, 2nd Edition ISBN 0-7923-8115

In reply to myselfprakhar:

In reply to
Yes after antecedent got qualify, ##[1:8] (sel & write) && (addr == l_addr_0) condition came after 4 clk and ##[1:2](sel & write) && (addr ==l_addr_1) condition is coming after 15 clk which is not expected, but still my assertion is not throwing any error.

It should have worked.
See my test case abc - EDA Playground

// Code your testbench here
// or browse Examples
module m;
  bit a, b, c, clk;
  initial forever #5 clk=!clk; 
  ap1: assert property(@ (posedge clk) 
                       $rose(a) |=> ##[1:8] b ##[1:2] c); 
  initial begin 
    @ (posedge clk)a <= 1'b1; 
    repeat(3) @ (posedge clk); 
    b <= 1'b1; 
    repeat(11) @ (posedge clk); 
"", 7: m.ap1: started at 15ns failed at 125ns
	Offending 'c'
$stop at time 145 Scope: m File: Line: 15

\Ben Cohen