Printing 2D associative array


How can I print an associative array which is of this form : The type of transaction that is stored in the array is an axiTransaction.

axiTrans wr_input_array[int][addr];


In reply to UVM_learner6:

How can I print an associative array which is of this form : The type of transaction that is stored in the array is an axiTransaction.
axiTrans wr_input_array[int][addr];

There are multiple ways to do it.

If axiTrans class is extended from the uvm_object(or any child class of it) and field macros are used then use sprint to print it.
class axi_tran extends uvm_object;
  logic [31:0] data;
    `uvm_field_int(data, UVM_DEFAULT)
  function new(string name = "axi_tran");;
  //other methods
endclass : axi_tran

/* ..... other code ......... */
/* ..... other code ......... */
/* ..... other code ......... */

//print the transaction
//display master 0, addr = 2, transaction
//or use uvm_info
//`uvm_info("", $sformatf("%p",axi_tran_arr[0][addr].sprint()),UVM_LOW);
Name      Type      Size  Value     
axi_tran  axi_tran  -     @339      
  data    integral  32    'h4a7a3d21


//create method to print the transaction
class axi_tran;
  logic [31:0] data;
  //create method to print the transaction, can give any name
  function void display();
    $display("data : %h", data);
    //.... add for other variable also
endclass : axi_tran

/* ..... other code ......... */
/* ..... other code ......... */
/* ..... other code ......... */

//print the transaction
//display master 0, addr = 2, transaction
data : 4a7a3d21