Parent && child class

module grand;

class parent;

task a;



class child extends parent;

task a;



initial begin

parent p1=new;
child c1=new;

How to call parent task using child handle with out super keyword…?

In reply to gangaraju@m:
new created the class handle p1 and c1. by copying the class handle c1 to p1 .
p1 = c1 ;
p1.a will call the parent task. however similar line in polymorphysim will call child task provided the task are virtual in parent/base class.


i want to call parent task using child handle (c1.a);
not p1.a.

In reply to gangaraju@m:

That cannot be done. You have hidden the parent task a from the child by overriding it. You must use super.a from the child class, or upcast to a parent class variable.