Object-oriented Testbench

How I run the code of OOP Testbench and from which simulator???
Can I run the code in EDA playground ?? and how??
When I run the code in EDA it gives me error :
vopt top -o top_optimized +acc

SCRIPTER: Error: run.do : (14, 1): invalid command name “vopt”

SCRIPTER: Error: run.do : (14, 1): Script execution terminated due to error(s)

my run.do file is :
if [file exists “work”] {vdel -all}
vlib work

SystemVerilog DUT

#vlog …/misc/tinyalu.sv

vlog -f tb.f
vopt top -o top_optimized +acc +cover=sbfec+tinyalu(rtl).
vsim top_optimized -coverage
set NoQuitOnFinish 1
onbreak {resume}
log /* -r
run -all

So please guide me !

In reply to ARK010:

The tools on EDAplayground are all web form based—there are no scripts. You’ll have to contact EDAplayground directly for help