Need help with the shallow copy example

Hi, am trying to run a sequence on a sequencer here is the code below.

class my_sequencer;
  int id;
endclass : my_sequencer

class my_sequence;
  task start (my_sequencer seqr);
    int delay = $urandom_range(1,10);
    $display("time: %d, starting sequence on sequencer with id:%d", $time,;
    #(delay * 1us);
    $display("time: %d, finishing sequence on sequencer with id:%d", $time,;
  endtask : start
endclass : my_sequence

module top;
  initial begin
    my_sequencer seqr;
    my_sequencer seqr_q[$];
    static int num_of_seqr = $urandom_range(3,5);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_of_seqr; i++) begin
      seqr = new; = i;
    for(int i = 0; i< num_of_seqr; i++) begin 
      my_sequencer seqr1; 
      my_sequence seq; 
      seq = new();
      seqr1 = new seqr_q.pop_front();
    wait fork;
    $display("time: %d, end reached", $time);


time:                    0, starting sequence on sequencer with id:          2
time:                    0, starting sequence on sequencer with id:          2
time:                    0, starting sequence on sequencer with id:          2
time:                 6000, finishing sequence on sequencer with id:          2
time:                 8000, finishing sequence on sequencer with id:          2
time:                10000, finishing sequence on sequencer with id:          2
time:                10000, end reached

My expectation was sequence should start on different sequencer but all sequences started on the same sequencer. my understanding is because I am allocating memory for sequencer every time it should start on a different sequencer, using automatic is solving the problem but I want to understand why this issue was caused.

In reply to saikishorereddy:

In the second for loop make the seqr1 as automatic. It should work.

automatic my_sequencer seqr1;

In reply to saikishorereddy:

All variables declared outside of a class or for loop initialization have an implicit static lifetime. The start methods do not get called until the after the for-loop finishes all iterations and the process is suspended at the wait fork statement. Since there is only one static variable seqr1, they all start on the same sequencer.