Need help about integral types

Hello Everyone,
Can someone explain why only packed data types, enum,time variables are integral types? What will happen with unpacked arrays?

I didn’t understand following lines in LRM:

The term integral is used throughout this standard to refer to the data types that can represent a single basic
integer data type, packed array, packed structure, packed union, enum variable, or time variable.

An integral type means the type may be used as an operand in a logical or arithmetic expression (i.e integral_type + another_integral_type, integral_type << 2). An unpacked array is an aggregate type that is a collection of elements of another type. If the element type is integral, you can use individual elements in an arithmetic expression like addition, but you can’t add two unpacked arrays in a single expression: array_type + another_array_type is not defined.

Basically, an integral type represents a stream of binary digits formed into a single integer value.