Need to assert same SystemVerilog property for all bits of a bitfield


I am trying to model an alert mechanism where the alert status can be observed by watching the payload on an interface. The payload is 32-bits wide where each bit represents a separate alert. I am currently trying to model the de-assertion of each alert as follows:

When a particular register is written to with the value 0x8000_0000, for example, then the 31st alert (corresponding to bit 31) is cleared and the payload on the alert interface will go from 0x8000_0000 to 0x0000_0000.

I have written a property as such:

property fcs_alert_deassert_p(reg_push, alert_reg_addr, alert_clear, alert_status_bit);
  @(posedge clk) $fell(alert_status_bit) |-> $past(reg_push && alert_clear && alert_reg_addr == 32'h40000080, 3);

What I now have to do is assert this property 32 times, once for each bit. I am wondering if there is a way instead to assert this property just one time and somehow modify this property to check the de-assertion for all 32 bits.

Thank you,

In reply to sidmodi:

The easiest way to handle something like this is to write one assertion inside a “generate” statement.

In reply to

Hi Ben,

Great, thanks! I’ve acquired a copy of your book now so I will go through it and search for examples of the use of the “generate” statement.
