
the DUT specification is a dual port ram with inputs data_in(64 bits),write_address(12 bits),read_address(12 bits),clock and 2 control signals write and read.The output is data_out(64 bits).

so I did not understand the below interface code we have defined 4 clocking block inside it .2 for write driver and read driver (1 for read driver and write driver) and 2 for write monitor and read monitor(1 for write monitor and 1 for read monitor).

The driver I understand that it is providing input to the dut so all signals except data_out are taken as output because we are driving them as input to dut .But when it comes to the read monitor it shows that it monitors the signal rd_address,read, data_out and similarly for write monitor it monitors wr_address,write,data_in.Monitor will monitor the outputs that we are getting from dut right??.And only output we have is data_out from dut so it should monitor only that signal right.but here it says that it is monitoring the inputs to the dut as well. what is the reason that it is monitoring the input the dut and how it is monitoring also I dont understand.

interface ram_if(input bit clock);
        logic [63:0] data_in;
        logic [63:0] data_out;
        logic [11:0] rd_address;
        logic [11:0] wr_address;
        logic        read;
        logic        write;

        clocking wr_drv_cb@(posedge clock); // write driver
                default input #1 output #1;
                output wr_address;
                output data_in;
                output write;
        endclocking: wr_drv_cb

        clocking rd_drv_cb@(posedge clock); //read driver
                default input #1 output #1;
                output read;
                output rd_address;
        endclocking: rd_drv_cb

        clocking rd_mon_cb@(posedge clock); //read monitor
                default input #1 output #1;
                input read;
                input rd_address;
                input data_out;
        endclocking: rd_mon_cb

        clocking wr_mon_cb@(posedge clock); // write monitor
                default input #1 output #1;
                input write;
                input wr_address;
                input data_in;
        endclocking: wr_mon_cb

        modport WR_BFM (clocking wr_drv_cb);

        modport RD_BFM (clocking rd_drv_cb);

        modport WR_MON (clocking wr_mon_cb);

        modport RD_MON (clocking rd_mon_cb);

endinterface: ram_if

In reply to Shivansh Bhardwaj:

Please use code tags making your code easier to read. I have added them for you.

A monitor is by definition an observer to signals on a bus or interface. A monitor typically has the task of translating those signals into a transaction, to it has to know that to send that transaction out. That code has to work whether the driver is being used or not. In a higher level SOC verification. the driver might be replaced by another DUT unit, and then the monitor is just observing activity between the two units.

In reply to dave_59:

Hi Dave,thanks for your reply
So basically you are saying that monitor work is to convert the signals that we are getting from dut to transactions and observe all the signals irrespective of the directions of the signals.

In reply to Shivansh Bhardwaj:
